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Skill Manager [Combat Classes] - Conditionals Explained [WIP]
This tutorial will cover an in-depth explanation of the conditionals used within skill manager. This is a work-in-progress that will attempt to cover everything, and be updated as it grows/changes.

I will attempt to cover some of the finer points of Skill Manager, along with those that are very basic.

* - Indicates something that should be self-explanatory.
** - Indicates a field that accepts a comma-separated list.
*** - Indicates a field that accepts a "+" (and) and/or "," (or) separated list.
"Combo Skill" - refers to skills which are automatically identified as having attributes of a skill which is used in combos (normally a recast time of 2.5).
"Off GCD Skill" - refers to skills which are automatically identified as having attributes of a skill normally used between GCD skills, such as buffs.

Skill Details - Basic skill identifiers
Name: *
Alias: Alternate name displayed in the profile.
Skill Type: Used to determine the API source for pulling the skill data, it is necessary that this is correct, and should not normally be changed from what it pulls in from Skill Book.
Combat Status: *
Skill ID: This ID is what is used in the creation of skill chains (previous skill ID, previous combo skill ID).
Enabled: *

Basic Details - More basic skill attribute data.
Charge Skill: Indicates a gap-closer skill, such as shoulder tackle, mainly used for AFK mode functions.
Applies (De-)Buff: Applies a small delay (similar to Secs Passed) if the skill causes a debuff or buff, so that the skill is not quickly re-spammed.
Level <=: *
Level >=: *
MinRange: *
MaxRange: *
Previous Combo Skill ID:** Checks to make sure the previous combo skill ID is one of these ID's.
Previous Combo Skill ID Not:** Checks to make sure the previous combo skill ID is NOT one of these ID's.
Previous Skill ID:** Checks to make sure the previous skill ID is one of these ID's.
Previous Skill ID Not:** Checks to make sure the previous skill ID is NOT one of these ID's.
Next Skill ID: Force the next skill ID to be this one.
Next Skill Prio: Force the next skill to be the one with this priority #. Priority # is the order in which the skills appear in the list from top to bottom.
Current Action NOT:** Use Dev module to find this, will not cast skill if the Player.action attribute is this ID. Useful for filtering double-cast heals.
Filters 1-5: Used in Assist mode, will only cast skill based on the state of the Filter (or ignore it).
Only Solo: *
Only Party: *
Sec Since Last Cast: Do not use this spell again for X seconds after it BEGINS casting.

Chains - A chain is a set of skills which need to be executed consecutively at all costs (such as ninjutsu or openers).
Chain Start: Indicates that this skill starts a chain.
Chain Name: Indicates the chain name. Skills in the same chain must contain the exact same name.
Chain End: Indicates that this skill ends the chain. Every chain must be "ended" proper to avoid downtime.

Other Skill Checks - Checks to see if other skills meet certain readiness criteria before use.
Is Ready:*** Checks if these skills are ready (ability is lit up and can be used).
CD Ready:*** Checks to see if this ability is no longer on cooldown. It may not necessarily be ready (such as Sneak Attack without Stealth).
Is Not Ready:*** Checks if these skills are not ready (ability is not lit up, cannot be used).
CD Not Ready: Checks to see if this skill is not ready (ability is on cooldown, and cannot be used).
CD Time (</>): These fields coincide with "CD Not Ready". If the skill specified within "CD Not Ready" has a cooldown time remaining of the less than or greater than the amount of time listed here (in seconds), it will satisfy this condition.
Skill Type: The skill type of the skills being checked, normally Action. Must be correct since it is used to retrieve the action data.

Player HP/MP/TP - Checks the Player's current situation, including HP/MP/TP, under attack status.
HP %: *
MP: *
MP %: *
TP: *
Under Attack: Is something within 20 game units away targeting me?
Under Attack (Melee): Is something within 6 game units away targeting me?
Causes MP Lockout: If the system becomes unable to cast this skill, it causes a skill "lockout". Any skills marked by "Lockout affected", will be unable to be casted until the Player's MP % meets or exceeds the % specified in the "MP Lockout %" for the skill that caused the lockout.
Lockout Affected: Indicates this skill is affected by lockouts.
MP Lockout %: Indicates the MP % required to clear the lock if one is caused by this skill.

Party - Checks the party situation, including scanning for debuffs/buffs, low mp/hp.
Member Count >=: Modifies check for HP %.
HP %: Checks to see if there are any party members with HP % above or below the threshold set. Member Count modifies this to check if a certain count of members meets this criteria, instead of only 1.
MP %: Checks to see if there are any party members with MP % above or below the threshold set.
TP: Checks to see if there are any party members with TP above or below the threshold set.
Has Buffs:*** Checks to see if any party members have the buffs listed here. Can be used in conjunction with "Skill Target" Party or PartyS to remove debuffs from party members, such as Esuna.
Missing Buffs:*** Checks to see if any party members are missing the buffs listed here.

Target - Checks the Target's situation, including the automatic selection of better targets (which becomes the evaluated target).
  • Target - Currently selected target.
  • Ground Target - Uses the x,y,z of the end-result Target.
  • Player - you, the Player.
  • Casting Target - Target that your target is casting on.
  • Party - Party members, does not include the Player. Normally looks for lowest HP, unless the "HasBuffs" conditional of Party is used, then it looks for a target with the specified buffs.
  • PartyS - Party members, including the Player. Normally looks for lowest HP, unless the "HasBuffs" conditional of Party is used, then it looks for a target with the specified buffs.
  • Low TP - Target in the party with TP lower than the value listed in "Target TP <=".
  • Low MP - Target in the party with MP lower than the value listed in "Target MP <=".
  • Pet - Player's pet. If the Player has no Pet, the Player becomes the target of the action.
  • Ally - Lowest HP target who's in or outside of the party within the skill's range whose HP % is less than the "Target HP % <" value.
  • Tank - Lowest HP Tank class who's in the party within the skill's range whose HP % is less than the "Target HP % <" value.
  • Tankable Target - Nearest target currently not being tanked by the Player that should be.
  • Tanked Target - Nearest target currently being tanked by a tank class.
  • Heal Priority - Uses the precedence indicated in the "Heal Priority" selection to pick a target to heal.
  • Dead Ally - Nearest dead ally.
  • Dead Party - Nearest dead party member.

Casting - Checks the Target's casting information.
Cast ID(s):** Checks to see if the Target's castinginfo.channelingid matches one of these IDs.
Cast @ Me: Checks to see if the Target's castinginfo.channeltargetid is the Player's ID.
Cast Time >: Checks the Targets castinginfo.channelingtime field to see if it is greater than the number specified.

Heal Priority - Specifies the precedence for healing when the "Healing Priority" skill target type is used in the "Target" section.
Priority HP %<: Target must have HP % lower than this number to be selected.
Heal Priority 1-4: Target matching the HP % in Priority HP % will be selected in the order dictated here.

AOE - Checks nearby entities for possible AOE scenarios.
Enmity AOE: Used for tanking scenarios, removes targets from the target count that are already targeting the Player.
Frontal Cone: Removes targets from the target count that are not in front of the Player.
Tanked Targets Only: Removes targets from the target count that have no target.
Enemies >=: *
Enemies <=: *
Enemy Range: Default is the skill's radius. Sometimes it is necessary to bump this by 1 or 2 if the targets will be of large size, due to the large hitradius of large targets.
Level Difference: Checks that no targets that would be affected by this skill are higher level than the Player's level plus this number.
AOE Center: AOE center is usually dictated by the "Skill Target" selection. The count of targets is dictated by the "Enemy Range" or "Ally Range" around this center point. Certain skills fall outside of the normal criteria, and this field can be used to adjust the center point.
Allies >=: *
Ally Range: Works in the same mannger as Enemy Range.
Allies HP % <: Counts only targets whose HP % is less than this number.

Player Buffs - Checks Player's buffs.
HasBuffs:*** Checks to see if the Player has the buff IDs listed here.
And Buff Dura: Works only in correspondence with HasBuffs to check if the buff have a duration time greater than the value listed here in seconds.
MissingBuffs:*** Checks to see if the Player is missing the buff IDs listed here.
Or Buff Dura <=: Works only in correspondence with MissingBuffs to check if the Player still has the buffs but they have less the value listed here in seconds.

Target Buffs - Checks Target's buffs.
HasBuffs:*** Checks to see if the Target has the buff IDs listed here.
And Buff Dura: Works only in correspondence with HasBuffs to check if the buff have a duration time greater than the value listed here in seconds.
MissingBuffs:*** Checks to see if the Target is missing the buff IDs listed here.
Or Buff Dura <=: Works only in correspondence with MissingBuffs to check if the Target still has the buffs but they have less the value listed here in seconds.

Pet Buffs - Checks Player's pet's buffs.
HasBuffs:*** Checks to see if the Player's pet has the buff IDs listed here.
And Buff Dura: Works only in correspondence with HasBuffs to check if the buff have a duration time greater than the value listed here in seconds.
MissingBuffs:*** Checks to see if the Player's pet is missing the buff IDs listed here.
Or Buff Dura <=: Works only in correspondence with MissingBuffs to check if the Player's pet still has the buffs but they have less the value listed here in seconds.

Advanced Settings - Contains some overrides that are potentially necessary for skills which fall outside of normal criteria "smart" handling.
Combo Skill: Overrides the definition listed at the start of this article.
Off GCD: Overrides the definition listed at the start of this article.
Thank you for the explanation!
Ace - Can you elaborate a bit about chain? I have never seen this option.
Chain is new, it will be added with my next update. It is meant to replace the way Ninjutsu works currently with something easier and less likely to break.
Thanks for this Ace much appreciated!
It's long overdue, just hardly have time to create this because I'm constantly updating it.
THanks ACE!!!
thnx alot for that ace !! just a quick question tho

new skills like meditation and Elixir Field appear with as ***Meditation*** on the skill editor any idea? ( bot wont even use those )
(06-29-2015, 06:56 AM)idurus Wrote:  New manager - new bugs =)

That will surely help him to fix them :)
*** In the name means you don't have the skill.. so yea.. naturally they won't be used.

idurus I deleted your comment, be helpful or don't post here, next time I'll issue a little reminder.

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