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Genetic's Crafting Profiles 4.0 Edition
One ring to rule them all. Err i mean profile, one profile :D

 My first profile for 4.0 while not too amazing it will do both 40 and 80 durability crafts.  More will be coming, currently lacking materials to do in depth testing for 1 Star crafts but i have theories that should easily 100% them. 

Untested on 1 Star. Should HQ anything under 1 Star. Untested as well but will probably HQ everything atm.
Level 70 40-80 Durability 485 CP < 485 CP required and level 70 gear. Most likely do not need melds other than CP. This may be revised if learned otherwise.
(Cross Class Required: Muscle Memory, Steady Hand 2, Comfort Zone, Tricks of the Trade, Byregot's Blessing, Ingenuity 2, Careful Synthesis 2)

If the profile fails or stops. Take a moment and gather me this information. Profile failures need to be reported with the craft you were doing. what step the craft was on. Console log of the skills used and your max stats and current cp is at. So if your max is 1200/1100 490 then youll tell me that and also what your current CP was at. Extra info like what buffs are up help me too. If steady hands 2 is on or off, etc.
Thanks for sharing these geneticdoom much appreciated, I need to get my CP a tiny bit higher to use the higher ones but hopefully that will be soon :)
Do these use Name / Brand?
No they do not.
Well done sir, well done.
Thank you, small delay on the 3 star profile due to having started Black Desert Online today, should have it done tomorrow since ill be using the 2 star as framework for it.
Very important, if you downloaded the "**2 Star 70 Durability Macro with Tricks of the Trade and Precise Touch usage. " before this post, please redownload it, an error was found were Precise Touch/Basic Touch would be not used due to an error with the expected CP you should have. Another error where Tricks would proc after Steady Hands II was found and fixed. While this wont cause you to break the craft, it could inadvertently cause you to fail to HQ it.

Updated original post with 3 Star profile with Tricks of the Trade procs and Precise Touch usage. And the 2 Star profile was also fixed.

Remember to keep in mind the 2 Star and 3 Star profiles wont guarantee a HQ, it still comes out to RNG whether Hasties succeed or if you even get good procs.
These stat requirements seem super high. Are you fully geared and melded? I can only see hitting the stats if you are basically max geared and having the crafted mainland, pants and boots over the red scrip ones to hit that CP with seafood stew.
Do you need any hq mats with this and what the percentage without hq mats on the 3 star?
I made my own rotation I've been using for awhile with a 418 cp requirement plus the required stats for a 3 star having about 60% hq mats (Usually the ESO mats HQ and the easy gatherable stuff HQ leaving the higher 1 star gatherable I'd just use NQ so I can use kings/blessed on it) and getting 7 stacks was usually enough to get it done. If it didn't get the stacks it would reclaim which I don't see too often and over the 100+ 3 stars I've done I've had maybe 8 reclaims fail. The mats are really cheap and easy to get so its not really a big deal if you're going to mass craft this stuff.
My BSM is fully melded with 900 Craftmanship 822 Control and 470 CP with food. My other crafters are not as geared, they have 784 Craftmanship and 740 control. The 3 star macro will work as long as you meet the requirement of 850 craftmanship, 820 control and 469 CP. The 2 star will work if you have about around 750-780 craftmanship.

Its about the same HQ chance you would get if you were to manually use the Makers Mark rotation on the craft. The 2 Star roation is fairly often hq, if you use some hq mats it would be about hq 90% + of the time. I have this macro just because i end up needing to craft a large amount of crafts. The 3 star macro will not be HQ as frequently due to rng, if i dont have 10 stacks of inner quiet and only a normal proc on byregot's it wont have a very high % quality.

It is technically possible to lower the CP requirement on the 2 and 3 Star rotation by 32 cp but the original rotation still had a pretty high stat requirement. i think its easy to meet the 2 star stats with having max cp.

The other stat requirements can be lower, the 450 cp requirement is able to be met with the lv 58-60 crafted gear with cp melded in. this was all i had available at heavensward launch and just melded cp and some craftmanship into my gear then. so my profiles were based around high cp stats
(03-12-2016, 12:46 AM)geneticdoom Wrote:  My BSM is fully melded with 900 Craftmanship 822 Control and 470 CP with food. My other crafters are not as geared, they have 784 Craftmanship and 740 control. The 3 star macro will work as long as you meet the requirement of 850 craftmanship, 820 control and 469 CP. The 2 star will work if you have about around 750-780 craftmanship.

Its about the same HQ chance you would get if you were to manually use the Makers Mark rotation on the craft. The 2 Star roation is fairly often hq, if you use some hq mats it would be about hq 90% + of the time. I have this macro just because i end up needing to craft a large amount of crafts. The 3 star macro will not be HQ as frequently due to rng, if i dont have 10 stacks of inner quiet and only a normal proc on byregot's it wont have a very high % quality.

It is technically possible to lower the CP requirement on the 2 and 3 Star rotation by 32 cp but the original rotation still had a pretty high stat requirement. i think its easy to meet the 2 star stats with having max cp.

The other stat requirements can be lower, the 450 cp requirement is able to be met with the lv 58-60 crafted gear with cp melded in. this was all i had available at heavensward launch and just melded cp and some craftmanship into my gear then. so my profiles were based around high cp stats

I was mainly asking about the 3 star and what percentages you get with no hq mats and a few hq mats.
Just trying to understand your super high stat requirements over the profiles I made that is much much lower and only needs a few hq mats.
If you'd manages to pull off a rotation that was 100% or close to with nq mats I'd understand the cp requirement I've only made rotations to meet reasonable requirements.
with 418cp, 850 crafts and 820 control I've made well over 100 hq 3 star crafts only loosing a few crafts worth of mats.

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