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Company Workshop
This is the Support Thread for Company Workshop

This thread is ment for the Support of Company Workshop: Airship, Housing, Submarine, Complete.

Q: My Character stays at the City and does nothing?
A1: Make sure you have set the options within "Profile Options" under the "Quest" tab:
[Image: CWPO.png?psid=1]
A2: If you have checked and done step A1, and it still does not want to gather, it means you have the required materials, tho in case of Unspoiled/Legendary/Emphemeral nodes, these are bound to set times, and they will be only gathered at the times they appear. 
A3: You are in a house or a housing area, please get to another area and try again.

Q: What is the best way to contact?
A: Join Discord and sent me a message.

Company Workshop - Airship:
V.17 - Backend change.

Company Workshop - Housing:
V.27 - Added:
- Florist's Wall

Company Workshop - Submarine:
V.12 - Added New Submarines.

Company Workshop - Complete:
V.35 - Added:
- Florist's Wall

Issues related to Meshes go in the Mesh Section of the forum.

Attached Files
.zip   Company Workshop - (Size: 3.82 KB / Downloads: 1,200)
.zip   Company Workshop - SkillManagerProfiles (8-3-2020).zip (Size: 3.28 KB / Downloads: 1,363)
is this out? it looks interesting but I dont see it in the store
(10-16-2016, 08:08 PM)silverman Wrote:  is this out?  it looks interesting but I dont see it in the store

Release should be happening soon in one of the upcoming days
Sweet, I might finally get around to doing this then lol
looks very interesting xD
Looks promising.

I was interested in the House walls but after looking through the wiki, I don't see all of the mats listed that are needed to make the walls. What about all of the wood/branches needed to make the lumber and stuff to make the rivets? There's a lot more than what's listed.

(10-18-2016, 05:48 AM)Prez Wrote:  Looks promising.

I was interested in the House walls but after looking through the wiki, I don't see all of the mats listed that are needed to make the walls.  What about all of the wood/branches needed to make the lumber and stuff to make the rivets?  There's a lot more than what's listed.  


indeed there are much more items to create the walls, however the listed items in the wiki are the ones the bot is not able to gather (right now),
Ephemeral is gatherable aswell but in the event ppl might not have 600+ GP this one is listed aswell
Can you take my money already? @.@
- When gathering it uses no buffs to increase quantity
- Don't use Teleport, it freaks out (probably not due to your profile)
- Edit your Wiki items name and make them hyperlinks to it on i.e. Fleece
- In the future will this profile craft the items?
- Any way to add a status window?  As in how much more it has to do; maybe a simple percentage done?

- When I was in CCW Occurs in other zones too - it changed from BTN to MIN to BTN several times for no reason. For example: [gather (3993)] then [gather (3994)] then back to [gather (3993)] then off to gather Cedar Logs
- When changing jobs it's always naked and you need to have auto equip enabled (uncertain if that has something to do with your profile)
- Have Shards and Crystals unchecked but it continues to gather them.  I have thousands of these and don't need it wasting time gathering them.
- It teleported to the idle location and paused, changed gear to MIN, changed gear back to BTN then teleported back to Sea of Clouds and resumed gathering crystals. < has done this three times now

Here's a video:

I've restarted my computer and also shut it down once and logged in again. These issues still occur. Please direct me as to how I can assist further.
(10-24-2016, 04:37 AM)Prez Wrote:  - When gathering it uses no buffs to increase quantity
- Don't use Teleport, it freaks out (probably not due to your profile)
- Edit your Wiki items name and make them hyperlinks to it on i.e. Fleece
- In the future will this profile craft the items?
- Any way to add a status window?  As in how much more it has to do; maybe a simple percentage done?

- When I was in CCW Occurs in other zones too - it changed from BTN to MIN to BTN several times for no reason. For example: [gather (3993)] then [gather (3994)] then back to [gather (3993)] then off to gather Cedar Logs
- When changing jobs it's always naked and you need to have auto equip enabled (uncertain if that has something to do with your profile)
- Have Shards and Crystals unchecked but it continues to gather them.  I have thousands of these and don't need it wasting time gathering them.
- It teleported to the idle location and paused, changed gear to MIN, changed gear back to BTN then teleported back to Sea of Clouds and resumed gathering crystals. < has done this three times now

Here's a video:

I've restarted my computer and also shut it down once and logged in again.  These issues still occur.  Please direct me as to how I can assist further.

1. Yes, it is a bare profile atm aiming to keep GP saved for timed nodes.
2. Well I dont use teleport hack myself, and in open world teleport is not even recommended at all.
3. Was already in the plans but not yet got to do that.
4. If bot get native support.
5. not at this time

As for the switching, confirmed it and will fixed, as for the Crystals part I have not yet got to see that, unless you mean when it gathers hidden items (ex: birch log) for items that have a hidden status, it will gather Crystals instead if the required item is not available on the node, there is no other way it should gather crystals, and the reason it gathers Crystals is to prevent other items cluttering up main inventory. and the idle location will get that worked on aswell aswell, this issue only occurs in HW related zones it seem.

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