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Easy DoH SkillManager leveling builder
This build creator utilizes

This website is great because it gives you the most optimized rotation based on your current crafting levels and skills available.

I began leveling crafts solely using this website and just copy/pasting macros in game but this required pushing synthesis and my macro or macros every time I wanted to craft. I figured there was an easier way to build macros without having to deal with conditionals... so I finally found a way.

1. Create a new skillmanager profile.

Advanced Settings > SkillManager

Under Skill Editor, Type a new profile name in the "New Profile" box and select "Create New Profile"

2. On the website linked above, input your current crafting information in the "Crafter Attributes" tab. Be sure to update your level in each craft and push "By level" in the top right corner after inputting each crafting level.

3. Go to the current craft you would like to level (still under "Crafter Attributes") and input your Craftsmanship and Control as well as available CP.

4. Click the "Simulator" tab, select the craft you want to level and the reciepe you want to craft and click "Solve..."

5. Now on the bottom left of the screen are different options to view the rotation. The tab you want is "Macro". My current macro build looks like this..

/ac "Careful Synthesis" <me> <wait.3>
/ac "Inner Quiet" <me> <wait.2>
/ac "Steady Hand II" <me> <wait.2>
/ac "Hasty Touch" <me> <wait.3>
/ac "Great Strides" <me> <wait.2>
/ac "Standard Touch" <me> <wait.3>
/ac "Hasty Touch" <me> <wait.3>
/ac "Great Strides" <me> <wait.2>
/ac "Steady Hand II" <me> <wait.2>
/ac "Hasty Touch" <me> <wait.3>
/ac "Great Strides" <me> <wait.2>
/ac "Standard Touch" <me> <wait.3>
/ac "Standard Synthesis" <me> <wait.3>
/ac "Standard Synthesis" <me> <wait.3>
/echo Macro #1 complete <se.14>

6. Now add each skill in order from your skill book into your newly created SkillManager Profile.

7. After adding each skill in order, Click each skill in the "Profile skills" drop down menu in your SkillManager and set "Step <" and "Step >=".

For my macro above,
Careful Synthesis should have "Step <" | 2, "Step >=" | 1
Inner Quiet should have "Step <" | 3, "Step >=" | 2
Steady Hand II should have "Step <" | 4, "Step >=" | 3

Etc... until you have mapped each step in order. This will allow each action to be forced in order without having to create a conditional and it can be easily changed from recipe to recipe.

Last step before you're done is to "add craft orders" and select what you want to craft over and over.

Hope this helps those who want an easy crafting SkillManager profile or those struggling to find the right leveling solution.
This is pretty much what I did also.
For anyone running in to this; I wrote a little web app that can convert your macros in to a skill profile, refer to the forum post here:

You guys are awesome. Props and mad love.

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