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Genetic's Craft Leveling and Gil Guide
WIP: Will be adding additional information, profiles and such as i work on them. Since i wrote this much ill post what i have. I'm hoping this is the best place for this little guide of mine.

This will only be helpful to people lost about crafting and those that want to do it extremely lazily. So i've leveled quite a few crafting classes and what not and i felt like i should share some experience with those that are new to crafting and are using the bot. Hopefully to help you stream line how you level up. Most of this will be from theory as i havent put this into practice and will only recount experience into this little guide.

Making Gil
Here you want to make gil from your classes. While im not the best i can give a basic idea of where to start and how to get into the market of making gil from gathering and crafting.
There are several ways of varying success to make gil in FFXIV. 
  1. Sell materials you gather or obtain in some way through means of combat/airship etc.
  2. Sell items that you have crafted.
  3. Lastly and most difficult is to sell content by means of taking another player into a difficult fight and they are paying you for the clear/farm to obtain titles or gear.
PSA: List items 1 gil under the lowest reasonable price on market board. If the item cost 25,000 each then 24,999 is fine. If the lowest is 8,000 and there is 1 of it and the next highest is 30,000 then you may get away with listing your item higher than 8,000 and less than 30,000.

Out of those selling gathered items requires the least amount of work and can provide you a fairly profittable income if you read the market correctly and list what is in need/will sell.
Crafting requires you to either buy items from the market board and then sell the crafted item at a slightly increased price to make profit or you use your own materials for increased profits from selling said item. I personally use my bots to pregather the most popular materials i used and had large amounts in stock to always have 95-100% profit on crafts. Coupled with taking orders in PF for gathering you can make a good amount. Selling through PF is the fastest way to make gil. Selling through the market board can be slower in some instances depending on demand of the item. Treat lesser desired materials and items as passive income so that you will make gil every now and then with those sold. Hot items might sell out daily or every other day. Those might bring you lots of income during active periods in the game.

Key note is to not be excessive in quanity of items. Try to be reasonable with the amount you say you can obtain and give a realistic time, don't tell your customers you gathered an inhuman amount of items overnight xD. Also no need to list 10 stacks of 99 items at half price on market board, its silly and will over a long period of time reduce profits.

1a(Gathering) - Check the market board for cost of items, if you like the cost or the cost per item is over 1k then check the history of the item at the top right. If it sells daily or every other day in a avg to decent quanity then you should invest some time to farm some of that item to list. Unspoiled items that you gather hourly or every half hour sell well as well. So do the same on those to check whether any are worth selling. Once you feel confident of your gathering or you already are confident. Make some PF advertising you willing to gather items for other players. 
Check the market board for the price to see whats a reasonable offer to sell directly to them. Personal transactions forgoing market board usually sell for cheaper so keep that in mind.


Recommended blue scrips to grind is Alchemist's Book of Aurum Regis and/or Noble's Picatrix. Recommend it for the mats being unlimited in quanity to gather, easily able to get enough to complete your master books in a day with some light work. 

Let the bot level your gathering classes to 60 to obtain materials from grinding, you will want to grind your own materials with bot because it will be more cost effecient and while doing so afk. Sure there is some ways that are faster but this is meant to be very easy and lazy. If you want faster then craft diff items to increase exp gain.
Personally unable to test the values of all these numbers. User feedback is welcome. If you give you an accurate number of items you used for the ones I suggested and whether you had rested EXP then i can adjust the numerical values here. If the number is short and you dont reach the recommended level please let me know. 
I'm not responsible for time lost or money spent on materials I suggested you use. It is up to your discretion to level this way.

Recommended order of leveling.
1-20 Weaver, Goldsmith, Culinarian, Alchemist, Blacksmith and W/E is left.
Try to get Culinarian to 37 for Steady Hand II. 
Recommended first lv 50 Skills. Carpenter Byregot's Blessing, Alchemist Comfort Zone. Any others. Try to get all to 50 before doing 50-60.

Level 40 Profile, Use level 40 gear or as close to it as possible
Level 40 Profile. 40 and 80 Durability (Cross Class Skills: Steady Hand II*, Waste Not, Manipulation, Hasty Touch, Byregot's Blessing, Ingenuity, Careful Synthesis II**)*Steady Hands will also work but not as well, **Careful Synthesis will also work but not as well

Level 50 Profiles x64 Only. I used the level 50 green 1 Star gear with grade III CP materia melds into my accessories and some body pieces to meet the CP. Should be cheap. Used a level 48 or 49 tool. You can upgrade just tool to 52/53 main and offhand. The gear should last you to 60.
40 Durability Craft 284 CP Required. (Cross Class Skills: Comfort Zone, Steady Hand II, Waste Not, Manipulation, Byregot's Blessing, Innovation, Ingenuity II or Ingenuity)Recommended Ingenuity II
70 Durability Craft 323 CP Required. (Cross Class Skills: Comfort Zone, Steady Hand II, Hasty Touch, Careful Synthesis II, Byregot's Blessing, Ingenuity II)
80 Durability Craft 323 CP Required. (Cross Class Skills: Comfort Zone, Steady Hand II, Hasty Touch, Careful Synthesis II, Byregot's Blessing, Ingenuity II)

If you earn/have/obtain excessive amounts of Grand Company seals you can spend them on the *save this thought i got interrupted*

Recommended gear at level 40. Head: Linen Wedge Cap of Crafting Torso: Vintage Chef's Apron or Linen Coatee of Crafting Arms: Vintage Smithy's Gloves or Linen Shortgloves Belt: Anything. Legs: Linen Bottom Feet: Linen Gaiters Ears: Wolf Earring or next best, Neck: Mythril Choker or next best Wrist: Mythril Wristlets of Crafting or next best. Hands: Mythril Ring of Crafting x2

1-20 Grind Maple Logs till you can grind Ash Lumber. At this point you can buy thousands of Ash Logs and afk grind to 20. then switch to next class.
20-30 Farm yew logs, get about 3000 or buy if cheap from mb. You will need 6000 Wind Shards. Any missing levels can either be gained from more yew logs or if you're close enough then start synthing oak lumber.
30-40 Farm 900-1200 Oak Logs, make into Oak Lumber.
40-50 Farm 900-1200 Rosewood Logs and make into Rosewood Lumber. If this gets you to 51 then skip Cedar Logs/Lumber.
50-60 Farm 500-600 Cedar Logs, make into Cedar Lumber. When you are level 51. Farm 5000 Dark Chestnut Log and make Dark Chestnut Lumber. Needs 4300 Wind Crystals At level 56 you can also do Dark Chestnute Lumber blue scrips and save time with the EXP bonus from turning them in. Some will be duds and need to be discarded.

1-20 Buy or gather materials to make about 1k to 1.5k Bronze Ingots. Grind to either until you make iron ingots or until 20. I gained 20 one day from grinding bronze ingots while taking a nap. If you run out of materials from bronze ingots, you can make them into bronze rivets.
20-30 Farm bomb ash, and continue to grind Iron Ingots until you're able to access the 26-30 craft list. Use bomb ash and iron ore to make Steel Ingots till you're able to make the level 38 item Mythrile ingot. Farm about 9001500 Mythril Ore and convert that.
40-50 Farm Cobalt ore and make Cobalt Ingots
50-60 Farm 6000 Mythrite Sand and 1200 Mythril Ore and make 1200 Mythrite Nuggets. Needs 3600 Fire Crystal.

1-20 Same as blacksmith till 20. You have option of Rings, Rivets or Plate though.
20-30 Same as blacksmith you have the options of converting Steel Ingots into other sub materials like hinges, rivets and joint plates.
30-40 Same as blacksmith.
40-50 Same as blacksmith.
50-60 Farm 6000 Mythrite Sand and 1200 Mythril Ore and make 1200 Mythrite Nuggets. Needs 3600 Ice Crystal. 

1-20 Gather materials for a couple hundred Copper ingots or until you reach Ragstone Whetstone(get materials for about 300 ragstone whetstone). Grind that until you reach the level 13 and 14 gems (Sunstone, Danburite, Flurotie, Malachite, Sphene and Lapis Lazuli. Get materials for them until 20. Alternatively you can grind ragstone whetstone to 20 as well.
20-30 Gather or buy 900-1200 Silver Ore. Make into Silver Ingots.
30-40 Gather 300-400 of one of these gems such as Raw Garnet, Goshenite, Peridot, Heliodor, Amethyst or Aquamarine and craft the respective item. You dont need to make them all just pick one of those and make it in the quanity suggested.
40-50 Gather 400-500 of one ofthese gems such as Raw Rubellite, Zircon, Tourmaline, Amber, Spinel or Turquoise and craft the respective item. You dont need to make them all just pick one of those and make it in the quanity suggested.
Alternatively if you farmed or they are cheap you can do 1600-2000 Electrum Ore and if thats not enough to reach 50 then convert them into Electrum Rings but the above method should be easier.
50-60 Farm 6000 Mythrite Sand and 1200 Mythril Ore and make 1200 Mythrite Nuggets. Needs 3600 Wind Crystal.

Leatherworker** Recommend to save Leves for this class.
1-20 Absolutely terrible to grind, you will want to leve level this after 20. Grind leather till you can easily make Hard Leather. Buy mats from npc for like 700 Hard Leather crafts. If you insist on grinding then you will need to setup grind bot to farm mobs for skin drops. I wont cover how thats done.
20-30 So awful i recommend leves.
30-40 So awful i recommend leves.
40-50 So awful i recommend leves.
50-60 Recommended to do leves. If you want you can go to CWH and set a grind point for dragons. Then do the hourly gathering for Coerthan Tea Leaves. But it will take a while with just one bot.
60-70 Still awful, recommending leves. Ill suggest stuff you can grind soon if you a masochist.

1-20 Gather enough moko grass for 1k to 1.5k crafts. after thats completed, buy or gather cotton boll for another 500-1k crafts. You should be 20 now. You could store the 
20-30 Recommend leves. 
30-40 Recommend leves.
40-50 Recommend leves.
50-60 Farm 4000 Rainbow Cotton Boll and buy 2800 Cotton Boll from npc. Make 1300 Rainbow Thread.

Alchemist** Recommend to save Leves for this class.
1-20 Gather or purchase material for Distilled Water, about 2000 muddy water. Let it afk grind that till finished. If not 20 then grind some ethers till 20, 300 should be enough (100 distilled water, 100 tinolqa mistletoe and 100 imp wing buy from alchemist guild)
26-40 You could farm alot of Flax. Probably around 4000+ and that might get you to 40 from making Linseed Oil
40-50 Recommend leves.
50-60 LOL. Do leves.60-61
61-63 Leves. Very easy.

1-20 Buy like 2000 Maple Sap and grind Maple Syrup. If not 20 then grind Olive Oil, if you're lv 15 then about 300(1200 cinderfoot olive) will be more than enough.
20-30 Gather or buy 900-1200 Noble Grapes and make Grape Juice. Should in theory get you to 30.
30-40 Gather or buy 1200-1600 Noble Grapes and make Dark Vinegar.
40-50 Gather or buy 3000-3600 Mirror Apple, make Apple Juice.
50-60 Farm or buy if cheap. 5000-6500 Highland Wheat. Craft it to Highland Flour.
60-61 Gyr Abanian Wheat into Gry Abanian Flour unknown quanity. 
61-63 Unknown atm
63-66 Unknown atm
66-70 Unknown atm
My list of Leve items for level 15-60.
Format is 
Level range, Quanity, Item.

15-20> 33 Elm Lumber
20-25> 36 Walnut lumber
25-30> 12 Silver Battle Fork
30-35> 12 Walnut Macuahuitl
35-40> 14 Yarzonshell Harpoon
40-45> 14 Cobalt Halberd
45-50> 14 Cobalt Trident
50-52> 9 Mythrite Trident
52-54> 13 Cedar Fishing Rod
54-56> 13 Dark Chestnut Spinning Wheel
56-58> 15 Hallowed Chestnut Armillae
58-60> 19 Dragonscale Grinding Wheel

15-20> 10 Iron Rivets
20-25> 11 Iron Sledgehammer
25-30> 12 Steel Broadsword
30-35> 13 Steel Falchion
35-40> 13 Mythril Broadsword
40-45> 14 Mythril Sledgehammer
45-50> 14 Electrum Head Knife
50-52> 9 Mythrite Patas
52-54> 11 Mythrite Stilettos
54-56> 13 Titanium Creasing Knife
56-58> 51 Titanium Ingot
58-60> 19 Adamantite Dolabra

15-20> 10 Intiate's Alembic
20-25> 11 Iron Frypan
25-30> 12 Heavy Iron Flanchard
30-35> 13 Decorated Buckler
35-40> 13 Mythril Plate
40-45> 14 Mythril Chain Coif
45-50> 14 Hells' Kitchen
50-52> 27 Mythrite Rivets
52-54> 11 Mythrite Bladed Lantern Shield
54-56> 42 Titanium Nugget
56-58> 17 Titanium Tassets of Fending
58-60> 19 Adamantite Leg Guards of Maiming

15-20> 10 Brass Circlet Sunstone
20-25> 11 Wind Brand
25-30> 12 Fluorite Ring
30-35> 12 Silver Circlet Goshenite
35-40> 13 Aquamarine Bracelet
40-45> 14 Red Coral Ring
45-50> 14 Tourmaline Choker
50-52> 9 Mythrite Gogglese of Gathering
52-54> 11 Mythrite Planisphere
54-56> 13 Hardsilver Bangle of Fending
56-58> 17 Dragon Fang Earrings
58-60> 19 Griffin Talon Needle

15-20> 33 Aldgoat Leather
20-25> 11 Goatskin Jacket
25-30> 12 Goatskin Wristbands
30-35> 12 Boarskin Satchel Belt
35-40> 14 Boarskin Ringbands
40-45> 14 Boarskin Culottes
45-50> 15 Raptorskin Artisan's Belt
50-52> 9 Archaeoskin Jackboots of Gathering
52-54> 39 Wyvern Leather or 11 Wyvernskin Mane of Fending
54-56> 13 Dhalmelskin Vest
56-60> 34 Dragonskin Wristbands

15-20> 10 Cotton Kurta
20-25> 11 Cotton Doublet Vest of Gathering
25-30> 12 Velveteen Wedge Cap of Gathering
30-35> 12 Linen Chausses
35-40> 13 Linen Wedge Cap of Gathering
40-45> 14 Woolen Kecks
45-50> 14 Felt Chausses
50-52> 33 Rainbow Cloth
52-54> 11 Holy Rainbow Shirt of Striking
54-56> 13 Ramie Turban of Crafting
56-58> 17 Hallowed Ramie Sash of Casting or 45 Crawler Silk
58-60> 19 Chimerical Felt Trousers or 57 Chimerical Felt

15-20> 30 Potion of Strength
20-25> 33 Enchanted Silver Ink
25-30> 12 Clear Glass Lens
30-35> 36 Hi-Potion of Strength
35-40> 13 Budding Oak Wand
40-45> 42 Mega-Potion
45-50> 42 Potent Sleeping Potion
50-52> 10 Enchanted Mythrite Ink
52-54> 10 Grade 1 Mind Dissolvent
54-56> 13 Wing Glue
56-58> 17 Hallowed Water or 38 Hallowed Water if you DO NOT want to make 19 Enchanted Aurum Regis Ink
58-60> 19 Enchanted Aurum Regis Ink (read above)

15-20> 30 Walnut Bread
20-25> 33 Salmon Meuniere
25-30> 108 Chicken Stock
30-35> 65 Dark Vinegar
35-40> 39 Knight's Bread
40-45> 70 Rolanberry Cheese
45-50> 14 Crowned Pie
50-52> 27 Stuffed Cabbage Rolls
52-54> 33 Ishgardian Muffin
54-56> 33 Royal Eggs
56-58> 45 Frozen Spirits
58-60> 133 Birch Syrup or 57 Clam Chowder. Birch Syrup really cheap to make and easy mats so i put this here for choice of craft.
This is wonderful. Thank you so much.
Do you by chance have a 1-40 profile using just bare bones Steady Hand II/Careful Synth? My old profile that I used to use from Sebb no longer functions
for HQ with just those or just synthing with those 2? and no quality
(06-26-2017, 11:40 PM)geneticdoom Wrote:  for HQ with just those or just synthing with those 2? and no quality

the profile I used to use would put up inner quiet, Steady Hand II, and then spam Hasty Touch, master mending till out of CP and then Careful Synth

It wouldn't HQ everything, but at least put some quality into the item, but since the 64 bit update, it seems to have changed the syntax and I can't get it to work
oh it can be reveresed. the syntax doesnt change much. the < and >= values swapped places on some conditions
What do you do after you've finished grinding a bunch of items? I have like 25 stacks of Apple Juice/Mirror Apples in my inventory right now and attempting to sell it on the market... but not too successful atm
@ken333 this is just to level fast. And if you gathered them then you didnt spend any gil. Just sell to NPC. Its only useful to level you nothing more.
has any one ever worked out what was needed for 60 to 70?

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