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Tutorial-FFXIVMinion v1.5 "How to Gather"
This tutorial will go over how to set up gathering mode. So that you can gather specific items from nodes.

Before you read through this tutorial you should read these tutorials first.
Tutorial-FFXIVMinion v1.5 "Mesh Manager" (How to create/select Navmeshes)
Tutorial-FFXIVMinion v1.5 "Marker Manager" (How to create/edit markers)
Tutorial-FFXIVMinion v1.5 "Skill Manager"(How to create/select Skill Profiles)

Then advanced users may want to check out.
Tutorial-FFXIVMinion v1.5 "Gathering Unspoiled Nodes"

First thing you need to do is set your "Bot Mode" to "Gather"

[Image: Blg05c5.png]

Next we need to set a Skill profile for your Gathering Class
[Image: yqKIbIt.png]

The NavMesh for the zone you are in should be loaded
[Image: GbKtzN7.png]

Next you want to look at your Marker Manager(click Advanced Settings)
[Image: goZBgRO.png]

Click on Marker Manager
[Image: cago37R.png]

If you want to gather several markers set marker mode to list or random, if you want to gather from 1 Marker Set it to single.(Refer to the Marker Manager tutorial)

Make sure your Marker Type is set to the type of gathering you are doing.

Then you need to edit your Marker with the Time/level range and items you want to gather from the nodes at this marker.

[Image: REQv72o.png]

Make sure to set your Home location to the zone you are gathering in.

Once you have done that you are ready to start the bot.

[Image: XC9KiDO.png]

Is there a way to gather the nodes in sequence like the bot did previously? I'm finding, especially with shards, the bot will sometimes miss the bonus nodes endlessly as it now seems to gather from the closest node that respawns, rather than a cycle, as it did before.

For some areas, with the old method, you could set up a rotation that avoided certain aggro mobs and terrain issues etc.

Is this still possible, or is it closest node only for a reason?
first off i have no idea what your talking about. you could never say go node 1 to node 2 to node 3. the bot just went to the closest node from where it was at.
I didn't mean you specified it, but it seemed like it gathered them in the order they popped. It didn't seem to ignore any though.

Now it frequently just gathers the closest 3 and ignores one of them, sometimes that one being the +1 yield node. I never experienced that happening prior to 1.5.
not sure man mine seems to be going in a circle around.
I can related to that.

For example, in the canyon close to Horizon, you can mine water crystal/shard and one of the crystal node is across the river from the other 3 nodes which the bot will just ignore and cycle the same 3 nodes.

Personally, I dont really care; when you have a bot farming shard/crystal for hours on end, you can hardly get anything better than that.

I have a question though: I want to level up my botanist to Lv.50 but my bags eventually get full, is there a way to throw away non-HQ item and keep only HQ?
(09-22-2014, 04:10 PM)dniem Wrote:  I can related to that.

For example, in the canyon close to Horizon, you can mine water crystal/shard and one of the crystal node is across the river from the other 3 nodes which the bot will just ignore and cycle the same 3 nodes.

Personally, I dont really care; when you have a bot farming shard/crystal for hours on end, you can hardly get anything better than that.

I have a question though: I want to level up my botanist to Lv.50 but my bags eventually get full, is there a way to throw away non-HQ item and keep only HQ?

There isn't, sadly.
Hoew i can use skills for the botany have make a skill Profile and it doesn´t work.
yes you have to make a skill profile in the skill mananger and set it up correctly.
But how should i do the Setup right? I take the Markers they allready exists.

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