I've been following the tutorials in the pin ups above, but my bot doesn't even move. It just stands there. I've made two markers for gathering mines in Central Thanalan, but I just stand there. Nevmesh is set to Central Thanalan..
Aren't I suppose to walk around and search for nodes or something?
Need a screenshot with bot and marker settings.
(11-29-2014, 10:20 PM)halfmystic Wrote: [ -> ]I've been following the tutorials in the pin ups above, but my bot doesn't even move. It just stands there. I've made two markers for gathering mines in Central Thanalan, but I just stand there. Nevmesh is set to Central Thanalan..
Aren't I suppose to walk around and search for nodes or something?
Actually.. I got it working by reinstalling.
I do have another question, though.. Is it possible to change maps for mining after hitting a certain level?