bot want to craft when u go out of dungeon or out cause long loading screen
mesh loading takes forever on some maps
sometimes bot stand up on crafting can cause problem and need to restart game
bot stop to work after dieing in duty
The crafting error message comes from having devmonitor turned on, which will be corrected soon, has nothing to do with the long loading screen, that is because your CPU is maxed out.
Mesh loading is near-instant. If it's slow it's because you have "Show Triangles" or some other option on.
I just crafted like 30 things and the bot doesn't stand up, so I don't know what you're on about there.
"bot stop to work" is pretty vague. Does it shut down? Does it death loop because your profile is bad?
You're giving no specifics about any of the situation, no screenshots, just complaints.
With the lack of detail you've provided, nothing can be done to help you at this time.
I get all of this occasionally and it is because of my latency and poor internet. It has nothing to do with the bot.
well after dieing some of the bots just stop to do anything for like 5minutes and get kicked out of dungeon because of afk
all 8 running on same profile from same folder
i cant find a reasonable answer for this since they all run from same programm and just few bots stop doing anything after dieing but working again once registered for new duty
if its bad profile then all other bots should do the same but stop doing anything
and ofc the spam of sending crafting to the server can cause longer loading screen when entering dungeon
when the bot didnt spam the crafting error stuff there was no problem at all with loading screen.
as i know each error= 1 sending package to the server
then again why only some of the bots doing this shit but not other when they all running from the same "installed" folder
to longer loading on some mesh "maps" no i didnt have any mesh shown it doesnt always have long loading time just on some mesh like coeathas or southern thanalan.
Disble the dev monitor when running the bot that causes the crafting error, sounds like a lot of user error going on here. maybe link the profile you are running give us some screen shots of your settings and console window. and disbale that dev monitor.
dev monitor set on false as standart i rarely use it unless me and my friend making a new duty. > dev monitor file
this is the shiva duty profile we dled from forum and didnt change anything
ill try to add the screens for the error with crafting later when we go farming raid
well you should be in the inn. when doing duty this way a mesh wont load. or you can trun off mesh loading. I suggest you try updating your bot from a fresh install because it seems like your having issues with stuff thats not currently happening anymore. I'm not getting the crafting error when even using the dev monitor anymore.
about the standing up: What I noticed for a while now, is that two crafting windows open, the one with the actual progress and an additional one with the recipe. When that happens, bot will stand up after the current craft. This happens a lot to me currently (I have dev always off (if I assume correctly that I have to open the dev window and click the start button to actually start it, at least that's what I always did when I needed it). It can even happen in some unlucky situation, that there "hangs" some crafting process, that isn't visible. You then can't move or do anything but relog.