
Full Version: [HOW TO] -- [Tutorial] :: Skill Manger -- Crafting Skills
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Why does it say Steady Hand II is ID 262 when in its description it says it's 281?
skill id and buff id are different.

One is your status and one is a skill you use.
(05-18-2015, 05:09 PM)sebbs Wrote: [ -> ]skill id and buff id are different.

One is your status and one is a skill you use.

Where exactly do I find the other number?
you can use the dev monitor tool to check out buff ids on the player.
Ok I'm having a small problem with skill manager. I've made few crafting skills before so today its giving me problems... Its not saving the profile. I tried first making a name and hit creat and then add skills i want and test to see if working, I hit save but when i switch to diff class then back to the one i was using the skill list is empty... I tried making a name and then adding skill and hit creat and that didnt work also.... I dont know y it keeps erasing my skills list for the new skill manager tryin to make. I did use it for about and hr to craft stuff but if i go gather more matts or change to a diff crafter it just erases and have to redo all over again....
Also if I hit reload just erase the new skill name completely from list

luckily I wrote it all down on paper but kinda a pain to have to redo for each class

Any help plz....
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