Does the ffxiv client needs to start with minion or thru the ffxiv launcher?
I manage to reach 96 packet and sent it by 1700ms. unfortunately, nothing happens eventhough i can free roam.
This is the way i did for the wpe hack:
- start ffxiv thru minion
- when it reach, the start button. I stop the minion. (to stop the automation)
- login with my 2nd character (with Minion menu enabled)
- i open the craft log (not yet click synthesis button)
- i set up wpe pro 0.9a and attach ffxiv.
- (Back to ffxiv client) i started the minion - crafting
- wait til the last stage before the exp pops up
- when the last stage start on crafting, i start wpe play button then stop after the exp pops up. (the sudden stop is to avoid more packets to be recorded, unfortunately im getting more than 4 and less than 8 packets).
- my character is on craft log menu waiting for another synthesis (currently on kneel stance "craft stance"). - Not doing any FFXIV Client -
- (Back to WPE Pro 0.9a) Only 1 96 packet found. Right click on that packet and send.
- Set it Continously and 1700 ms then click the Play Button.
- WPE Pro says "connection open succesful" and my character starts to stand up (no exp after sending).
- cancel the craft log and start to free roam but no exp. :(
I can confirm that the exploit was working as of last night.
Enter the synth screen
Click Record on WPE
Increase progress a single step in synth
press stop on WPE
Find the right Packet to send which is 96 bytes in size.
This one when sent, will trigger your synthesis ability.
Once you find the right packet -
Set it to Automatic mode, delay initially to 2600
Then click play.
Let the progress continue to 100%
When it finishes, the screen will go back to the craft selection screen.
Just wait a few seconds -then you should see your character go back into craft position
Each single packet sent will then act like it is completing the entire synth process: Awarding XP
(This actually seems to be faster than Fast Synthesis)
Note: When you have got the glitch working - you can stop and then resume as much as you like.
I recommend increasing the delay after you get it working, to 3000 - as on a number of occasions I have found that 2600 was too rapid, and it triggered two animations for a single XP reward.
Note: While you have space and reagents - the process will award the item being crafted.
If you run out of one or more of the reagents, you will still craft and get the xp, BUT not get the item, despite the message saying you have crafted it.
If you record the final step of the synth process, one of the 96 byte packets will be the close signal for the craft window - which will reenable movement.
To acquire that, you will need to record just the final synthesis ability use, to get the necessary packets.
Can anyone confirm if the Leve's are still vulnerable to the packet exploit?
I tried it last night, but couldnt get any repeat xp from craft leves.
Here is my experience with the WPE exploit
My Alchemy is around level 35 now:
When I craft the highest level item available to me, I get around 2100 xp per successful craft.
So: when using WPE
Initially running at 2.6 seconds per packet - just to get the glitch started
That is around 2100 xp per 2.6 seconds (give or take a second for animations etc)
As mentioned above: 2.6 is a little quick, and depending on network, or your own computer issues : you may end up triggering two animations, for a single xp reward.
This is where you start to see diminishing returns.
In order to avoid double animations, setting to 3.0 delay per packet seems to be more reliable, but you need to get the glitch going first before changing.
Assuming 2100 xp per packet, and 3 seconds per packet.
I was leveling a single level last night in roughly 300-340 seconds.
(5-6 minutes)
Just take your Max XP required, divide by XP awarded per craft, then multiply by your packet delay.
Note: Once you get the WPE glitch working, even if it says you 'failed' the synthesis, and it gives the 'broken' animation, you still get XP for it.
Assuming 5-6 minutes holds true for remaining levels : which it probably wont,
then you could assume 20 levels could take 100 minutes (at the minimum)
Probably safer to assume 120 - 150 : since you do need to get the reagents for the next tier of crafting items.
(02-21-2015, 11:59 AM)Kaeyt Sith Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks Kitanoi, appreciate the time spent on this, have tried again still not working /grrrrrr
are you even getting packets showing up?
Well, anyone that knows about this ought to have their professions to 50 already by now, so I'll go ahead and spoil this.
Its been over 2 months, so if they get mad, thats their own fault. I figure the next big patch might break this anyhow, so might as well put it out.
First, this requires some materials still, but far fewer than normal.
This is NOT crafting without materials. You will not receive the item "crafted", only the experience, therefor this is only helpful in leveling.
Choose a level-appropiate item to craft, and gather some materials to make it.
It may take anywhere from one to four tries to get it right, so take enough. ((NOT big stacks tho. Youll see why later))
In WPE, target FFXIV.
Set the options to only show SEND.
Leveling crafting 1-50 with minimal materials-del.png
In WPE, click the PLAY button to record,
quickly go back to FFXIV and press the key to increase progress of crafting an item (I suggest Flawless Synthesize II)
and press STOP in WPE.
You will have about 1-4 packets captured.
If I have too many packets, I prefer to try again and try to get only 1 packet captured.
The packet size should be 88. [EDIT: 96 now]
Right click the packet and click SEND.
Set it to CONTINUOUSLY, and TIMER: 2600.
If you set the timer too low, you will go through the action constantly but not receive the EXP.
Press the PLAY button to send the packets.
Your materials will continue to be consumed until there is zero left,
once there is zero, you will still continue crafting for the exp, despite having no materials left.
And thats all there is to it.
I suggest going to a secluded area, because your character will stand up after each action and it looks odd.
Then... you just leave it to level.
Once you level too high to gain good experience, just buy materials for a higher craft item and make that instead.
Please note that when you stop sending the packets,
you will need to close the game and reopen it because your character will be stuck in place and unable to preform any actions.
just in-case this wasn't mentioned already make sure you go into the options and turn on all the checkboxes for winCap 2.0 options, that got it working for me, make sure that you can see packets when just simply walking around if not something is else is wrong and maybe you try to fix it before attempting the crafting part
When I do a capture of a craft step, I get 2-3 maximum packets.
Remember, this is capturing packets that you are sending, not ones received from others walking around.
So there shouldnt be hundreds of packets.
I found that 96 tends to be the sweet packets you want,
64 tends to be buffer / separator packets or something - they don't seem to do anything.
one of the 96 packets will also be the one that re-enables movement.
I tried replaying packets from teleporting via aethernet which were about 104 etc
Those ones crashed my client.
Ok, so I got this working for like a 5min, then walked away and tried to switch crafts after I leveled now I can't for the life of me get the correct 96 command to go work and continually fire off.