(04-10-2015, 02:03 PM)Shaemus Wrote: [ -> ]I would like to download a program and hit go and make it play tt for mgp. I don't know how to code or do a logic process but want MGP so badly im willing to buy this program.
Sadly I don't know how to make things adjustable for people to easily adjust to their resolution/pixel color (I'm new to this I haven't done code in years... talking like 7 years +) Plus this is the first time I used AHK if it wasn't for brooklyn's snippet I would have not been able to easily pick this up like I have.
(04-10-2015, 02:24 PM)mysticarchives Wrote: [ -> ]You can pretty much guarantee there will be interest in this. Even those who are flipping accounts could flip them for more if there was a substantial amount of MGP on the account.
Right, my current goal is to minimize the amount of PixelGetColor. Just utilize small sleeps and make assumptions/plays based off what I remember from playing him with this deck.
The toughest part in this for me currently stems from this.
Pattern style 1
Yshtola > pap/ultima > pap/ultima > thancred > urianger
1 .You check for the open spot in middle left. If it is open then you drop yshtola there.
2. Follow up by checking Top Middle and Middle Right. If anything is there play Ultima in the middle.
3. You then check for something in top left and bottom left if something is there you play in the open spot.
4. In order check top right, middle right, and finally top middle. Play in the first available spot.
5. Drop urianger in the open spot or loop all over again.
(Pattern 1 Alternate)
2a. If nothing was played in top middle or middle left. Check top left and bottom left. Play Papalymo in open spot.
3a. Check middle, if open play ultima. Otherwise play ultima in top middle.
(Pattern 2)
Yshtola > pap > thancred > ultima > urianger
1. Middle left was taken, play yshtola bottom left.
2. Check top left. If open play papalymo.
3. Check middle if open play thancred.
4. Check top middle if open play ultima.
5. Drop Urianger wherever.
(Pattern 2 Alternate)
Yshtola > thancred > urianger > ultima > papalymo
2a. Top left taken play thancred in middle.
3a. Check middle right, if open play urianger. Else play urianger top middle.
4a. Check Bottom Middle if open play ultima, if taken check top middle play Ultima. Else play ultima in top left.
5a. Play papalymo anywhere.
YAAAAAAAAA LOGIC given the various possibilities I am going to see if somehow I can create a case statement that way I can have the 2 pattern branches if/else statements easily separated depending on the yshtola play.
**After looking at the basis of this more... it is easier for me to simple have the patterns inside the "fall out" Else clause. It maybe harder to read this way but boy will it be easier... just more typing, more positions, and more pixel gets.