im not really knowledgeable in the area of glamour items and their prices, if you give me a list of what to check i can do that. How much gil are you trying to bring over?
I dunno, are there any open houses on balmung left, Prob ~ 5mil, but more if theres a house avalible.
I have a couple teams, and do a lot of business on balmung, hit me up, I might can get some of you to do some work as well, The guy in the blue shirt/tie
I've seen some of your private messages, and will respond to you soon as I get a chance. Also, you can add me on skype (guy with the pic and in the blue shirt)
Any progress on something for Balmung?
Still not sure which Toon I wanna bring over, Will def do something b4 Xpac tho.
Just got to dungeon portion of the Zodiac quest.... definitely looking for a 4 man team lol!
Heh. I guess it is from being a reborn buddy regular but isnt it sort of dangerous to possibly meet with people in the game knowing you are all bots in case people want to try to report the competition?