Hi, Im considering transfering over to Balmung with one of my toons, but before doing so wanted to explore the possible intrest of a botting LS/FC/Skype group over there. the current group I hang out with on Excalibur Are decently active, we Cap Poetics, farm Primals, farm some second coil, just wondering if it would be possible to build a group like this on balmung.
I've been looking too. I'm on balmung and see alot of botters in my travels, but no response so far on the forums or PMs.
Heya, I'm looking to level up and stuff on Bal too!
I'm currently down to one account, if anyone makes a group, lmk and ill join up.
Include me for balmung if this gets off the ground. I'd rather not spend an extra 60$ a month to run 4 man duties, etc.
im on balmung as well let me know
i primarily use my bots to farm gil so what i have unlocked on them is pretty basic but id be willing to help people complete dungeons for quests ect when i have time. Long farms i simply cannot do though
can some of you on balmung give me an idea how much IV matira are selling for, and what sort of stuff is really popular that I can bring over for cheap?
firstly, materia is heavily undercutted but what isnt nowadays. Savage might IV is usually between 380-410k and sells at a decent pace, Aim IV has been between 290-325 the past few days but hasnt been selling as quickly as Might IV does. Heavens eye IV is 85k right now but doesnt sell that quickly, Quicktongue IV is 135 but also doesnt sell that fast . Best bet is to buy up Aim IV and Might IV and let them sit on the AH for a day
(03-23-2015, 09:21 AM)hamsterz Wrote: [ -> ]firstly, materia is heavily undercutted but what isnt nowadays. Savage might IV is usually between 380-410k and sells at a decent pace, Aim IV has been between 290-325 the past few days but hasnt been selling as quickly as Might IV does. Heavens eye IV is 85k right now but doesnt sell that quickly, Quicktongue IV is 135 but also doesnt sell that fast . Best bet is to buy up Aim IV and Might IV and let them sit on the AH for a day
Thanks for the reply, it sounds like most of the prices there are lower than Excaliburs prices, So Ill just sell here. What are some of the popular 3-4 star glamour items like sunglasses and such selling for if I may ask?