Since i'm currently using this bot to level my crafts, I was wondering if there were any good starter guides for leveling crafts from level 1. A lot of the guides focus on already having lots of crafting skills and I am starting at level 1 on most. Thanks in advance.
Wow. Yeah, those links helped. ;-) I'll leave it at that. Thankyou.
no its been fixed, you must just use the bot to level
yes if someone can add a tutoral how to start crafting from lvl1,it should help, it's not easy to understand how to craft with the bot when you just started the game and the bot.
yesterday i tried to equip my craft weapon on my main, so on the bot the class skill automaticelly changed to the class weapon equiped, the bot mode automaticelly changed to craft, i enable start bot, and nothing happen
yeah, but the problem is i dont know what profile i need to take, i don't start to craft ingame yet, i dont know the craft system ingame, so hard to know what profil i need to choose on the forum, if i want to lvl up example my food job or my armor job from lvl1 to x lvl
so yes read the tutorial on crafting and how to set up crafting. i would maybe look up the crafting system in game. its fairly simple you gather mats, you use skills to craft the item with those mats. we cant help you learn in game systems. Its a fairly simple crafting system
yeah i will learn crafting ingame, oz on the profile crafting forum i'm totally lost, there are profil for 2,3,4 stars or with Dura and i dont know what is it for :p