you are the rare few. I've played this game a ton, and I have leveled probably over 500 classes. And on populated servers where there is a good 10-15min between each fate because it only stays active for 2min. everyone goes to the center of the map. So that they can get to a fate fast no matter where is spawns. if a fate spawns on the east side of the map and you just wait there. by the time you get to the west side of teh map the new fate would be ended. So they always go back to a "central" spot. for example just out side the gate of Aelport. or camp dragonhead they all gather on the ground just below the aetheryte. or back in quarry mill. Plus they are sancuarty and you gain rested xp between fates.
Thanks, after setting the new Evacpoint, the bot no longer goes back to the Aetheryte, but it still goes back to the new Evacpoint between Fates first before attending to another new fate.
Regardless of whether it is more natural to go back to the Evacpoint between fates, is it possible for us to have an option so the bot can stay at, or nearby to, the fate after it is finished?
(04-04-2015, 12:19 AM)alancat Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks, after setting the new Evacpoint, the bot no longer goes back to the Aetheryte, but it still goes back to the new Evacpoint between Fates first before attending to another new fate.
it only goes to the evac point if there are no fates that fit your conditions.
if there is a fate in your level range that you set up, and is at the completion % you have set up. it will go to the next fate with out going to the evacpoint. it only goes to the evac point is there is no fates up that meet the requirements. its best if you just set your evac point somwhere near the middle of the area the fates spawn in your level range.
Well maybe you're right, but i think an option for choose would be nice.
Actually i think that for alancat, the bot doing this:
-When the current fate is finished, he's seraching for a new fate,
-If there's not then he go back to the evac point,
-But if a fate appear while he's moving to the evac point, then he continue to go to the evac point instead of going to fate, even if he cross the fate area... :/
Seems like a bot action cannot be interrupted while the current task is complete.
That's why i let the bot in grinding mode killing all mobs, but if we could set a delay for the bot attacking after a finished fate, that would be nice.
Thats not true if the fate spawns while traveling it will pull a 180 and go to the fate. or run right past the evac point and continue on to the fate. it only stops at the evac point if nothing is up.
This is not a criticism, just an information feedback. ;)
At home he does what I wrote above but as i said earlier, if i let him do a mob rampage then there's no problem.
But i think those suggestions can make the bot being better:
- The possibility to set a delay between a finished fate and an attack at a random mob near;
- If it's possible, prioritize a fate with short time / or being completed by others players;
- And why not, (even if i get that i would be the one using it :p ) give the possibility to stay where the current fate finished.
Again, just suggesting :)
Im not saying NO to what you are suggesting about waitilng at the fates. I'm explaining to you that you are not understanding how the current system works. you are saying it always goes to the evac spot instead of going to straight to next fate.
Fate spawns-fight at fate-fate ends-another fate spawns-runs to fate-fight at fate. This is how teh system works. only if no other fates are up does it run to evac point.
It dose not do this
Fate spawns-fight at fate-fate ends-another fate spawns-run to evac point-run to fate-fight at fate. The bot does not do this. as long as there are fates up it goes from fate to fate to fate to fate. Only once there are NO fates up does it go to evac point. THIS is the point ive been trying to make.
Yeah it seems that you don't have understand what i said.
I agree with what you're saying, and the bot do that no problem.
But for taking your example:
Fate spawns-->fight at fate-->fate ends-->another fate spawns-->runs to fate--> fight at fate : this is in a case if an other fate have already spawn before the current fate finished.
If when the fate ending the bot don't find another fate then he go to evac point okay.
Now if a fate spawn while the bot go to the evac point, then he continue to go at the evac point and after he is he will go to next nearest fate.
That's what i'm saying, even if the bot cross a fate while he's on his way to the evac point, then he first reach the evac point and after he will go to the fate.
A little stupid don't you think ?
thats not true at all.
If the bot is on its way to the evac point, the second a fate spawns that meets the requirments the bot will STOP going to the evac point and go to the fate. it does not continue on to the evac point first before going on to the fate that spawned. It will stop and turn and go to the fate.
Well maybe i should make a fresh install of the bot then, cause he don't do what you're saying.
until now i thought it was how the bot must be function but maybe it's a bug ^^' .