With the new filter fields (five of them), perhaps it opens up the possibility to combine and call them automatically in the future?
Imagine a long and complicated skill profile that can combine single Healing, AOE healing, Protection, Raise, Single DPS and DPS AOE. Due to the skill profile becomes terrible long, I've noticed that the bot have problems executing what is far down in the skill profile list.
Maybe it's a good idea to sort out specific combinations such as Healing for the filter one, single DPS to filter two and AOE dps to filter number three. The bot can then enable or disable these automatically depending on a number of specified parameters:
HP player/party
AOE - Number of enemy mobs and distance
Buffs active/not
Perhaps it can make the bot read a long skill profile more quickly and efficiently by grouping to filters, while one can get new unique combinations?
why are your profiles terribly long? i srsly doubt anything needs to be super long. especially for afk uses. all the default profiles work just fine for afk uses. for assisted play yeah for sure can make some crazy stuff to be in the top 1% dps or something. Th filters are super handy. but you are not gonna be afking any end game raids any time soon.
Well, in an ideal world, you don't need filters at all. In reality, they are useful because certain bosses and encounters don't conform to the normal logic any sort of artificially intelligence would apply to the given circumstances. The filters are indeed a way of segregating certain behavior, but only really if you are forcefully applying logic to a situation that does not conform to the normal behavioral standards, which is why "automation" of them is impossible. By their definition, if they could be automated, then they are not needed.
When I play, I play mostly WHM in raids and dungeons (assist mode).
It is very common today for tanks to pull on an incredible number of mobs at once and they all hit at the same time. The simpler afk routines Chirad mention does not work well in these scenarios, and tank dies pretty quickly.
I have created my own profiles that are robust, but also more complex. Many of my healing spell appear multiple times in the same skill profile, but with with different parameters.
How hard should I heal the tank? with respect to how many mob he has pulled? How do I try conserve mana so I do not always over heal him? Who Should I heal first in panic situational? Should healing threshold be different between party members to save more mp? Take into account that there are many healing, buffs, debuffs, swiftcast, raise which adds to a very long and complex profile.
But it does not stop there, we are also asked to do single dps and aoe dps if the conditions are right.
The five filters that have been implemented in the skill manager can be a way to group a "role" in a special "moment" and reduce "interference" of abilities that does not belong to that "role".
Filter 1 = Healing
Filter 2 = single dps
Filter 3 = aoe dps.
Imagine that it now jumps between these filters and can perform different roles in a given moment. Is it necessary? I think so, for building such long profiles in a single lump does not work well. Most often abilities at the very bottom almost never get executed, because of some interference of an ability. Example it stop doing dps because it wanna cast a simple Regen on someone. That would be perfect when performing filter 1= healing, but not while performing Filter 2 or 3.
If someone fall to low in HP, the bot switch over to Filter 1 and perform healing.
I think this is good way to brake down complex profiles, otherwise it will always get stuck in a very log profile.
Even though they are useful as profile segregators, this doesn't lend itself to automation. What you are saying about the profile becoming "stuck", this is only true if you do not properly create/prioritize your profile in such a way that it is universally good.
Good profiles do not get stuck in such a basic manner, and in the case of using Regen VS DPS, this is a case where you should probably be using Regen instead of the DPS unless you have a good reason not to, and in fact you have manually made a judgment call to alter your methods based on some other unknown influence if you have decided to force the filter to become a mostly DPS role.
To automate the filter selections, one would have to program exactly under what conditions these filters take place. You would end up using the same conditions that every skill already has access to separately, essentially "refactoring" the location of part of the decisive logic. This is not to say this is a bad thing, but it achieves nothing new, only different. That being said, every individual will have his own idea of what the correct conditions for filter swapping are, so this would fall into the realm of personal modifications to code and addons, not core functionality that we will deliver directly.
But, how many times can I throw "Stone II Cleric Stanse", before moving cleric stanse for healing with today's setup?
If my Cure I is set to heal at 80%? That brings me changing cleric's stance back and forth quite often. Basically in wont be able to dps or heal very effectively.
That's why people have them in different filters and manually changing them in assist mode when required, like I do.
Let' work on that. Healing and dps in separate filters? This filters will be given overall parameters that govern what should be active in different scenarios & situations.
Imagined i have created two filters, one is dedicated to the role of healing, and the other contains the role of dps.
Filter 1 (the role of healer) is activated if a few arguments are met e.g.:
Number of mobs > 2
3 people have < 80% HP
1 person have < 50% HP.
This means that the bot wont change cleric stanse even if one person has 80% HP to cast cure I. Instead we can continue to do dps longer time before moving to the filter 1 for healing.
It's indeed and interesting thought
(04-07-2015, 03:20 PM)bizzmo Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe.
But, how many times can I throw "Stone II Cleric Stanse", before moving cleric stanse for healing with today's setup?
If my Cure I is set to heal at 80%? That brings me changing cleric's stance back and forth quite often. Basically in wont be able to dps or heal very effectively.
That's why people have them in different filters and manually changing them in assist mode when required, like I do.
Let' work on that. Healing and dps in separate filters? This filters will be given overall parameters that govern what should be active in different scenarios & situations.
Imagined i have created two filters, one is dedicated to the role of healing, and the other contains the role of dps.
Filter 1 (the role of healer) is activated if a few arguments are met e.g.:
Number of mobs > 2
3 people have < 80% HP
1 person have < 50% HP.
This means that the bot wont change cleric stanse even if one person has 80% HP to cast cure I. Instead we can continue to do dps longer time before moving to the filter 1 for healing.
It's indeed and interesting thought
or you can just set your healing skills to lower thresholds.... or with those conditions.