I am not certain if this is the right location to post this, but I have ran into an issue with grinding fates in Eastern La Noscea. The problem is when I run the bot and no fates are active, it just teleports back and forth between Costa Del Sol and Wineport over and over. The only way I can get it to stop is by setting a Evac Point at one of the ather crystals, however this only stops the problem for roughly 20-30 minutes, then it will start the teleport cycle all over.
I have read several of the guides and I do not understand what I am missing. I am using all the default settings of the bot, and default meshes.
Thanks in advance for the help
I noticed it doing that today as well. It was working fine 2-3 weeks ago, probably just a bug. Just throw down a marker to grind mobs and you wont have any trouble with the teleporting.
4 level 50s so far and yes I noticed that. Ticked off fates only and let it grind while over there. Also another thing I noticed is that it gets stuck often in south shroud, but I only use that spot for like 5 levels so I just monitor it.
(04-10-2015, 05:39 AM)sorun Wrote: [ -> ]4 level 50s so far and yes I noticed that. Ticked off fates only and let it grind while over there. Also another thing I noticed is that it gets stuck often in south shroud, but I only use that spot for like 5 levels so I just monitor it.
if you get stuck anywhere on any navmesh grinding you have a navmesh problem. all you need to do is delte your .nx2 files in the navmesh folder so it rebuilds the navmesh.
I have fixed my issue. I had to un-select the %waitNearEvac% option. I believe the bot was teleporting back and forth because 2 evac points are set on the mesh by default and the bot would portal back and forth while idle. now I just stand around at the last fate area till the next one spawns. Not sure how to remove one of the evac points but that would be optimal.
Thanks again
I have read the post, and like I said, to stop it from teleporting back and forth between aethers I just turned off the %waitnearevac%, and I have already re-downloaded the mesh and it didnt fix anything.