(04-15-2015, 02:17 PM)richardwood Wrote: [ -> ]Shard here isn't really good business, prices are 40gill each for shard, 80-100 for crystal. Probably one of the lowest gph, but steady unlike spiritbond botting
On my mid-pop server, wind shards stay around 110-130 gil, and all crystals ~200. Wind is really the only element worth farming on my server. I would try out spiritbonding, but Tier IV is too elusive and I have to intervene every hour or ninety minutes to re-equip fresh gear. If this bot had an auto-spiritbond mode it would be huge, but the last I read about it said that it was impossible.
there is an addon for spiritbonding in the addon forum
Oh! I must have missed that, thank you for letting me know! It's probably not going to beat wind shard farming at the prices my server is at currently, but I'll definitely try it out sometime just to switch things up.
I had an unspoiled bot that i used to run 24/7 it gathered about 3mil ~ a day. Each additional bot may have a noticeable impact on the market though, mostly depends on the size of the server. Its worth it to set up alteast one unspoiled bot, between 24/7 crafting + unspoiled gathering 2 accounts can make upwards of 10 mil (an easy 8~ mil). The only shitty part about unspoiled gathering is the MB time required
If you are set on farming shards, check out the task manager addon. Have the bot swap tasks to another shard type each time it gathers 9999 of one.
Thanks for the advice, Rusty. I tried doing unspoiled for a minute, but I haven't had the time to really learn and work through the setup because of real life obligations. I'm certainly not set on farming shards, it was just the easiest starting point for me. Does Ace's tutorial (
http://www.mmominion.com/Thread-Tutorial...iled-Nodes) cover all I need to know for unspoiled?
Setup isn't bad, its really easy to make your own locations and markers. That being said, I make much better money spiritbond farming.
That's really surprising. Are you farming with the level 45-48 NPC armor?
Nah, I was, but I don't think its worth the extra investment. I just craft a ton of rubellite accessories, or raptorskin for crafting/gathering materia and turn it loose. Usually do a full inventories worth in a day and a half or so. At least with the DoL/DoH accessories you get a solid return and don't end up with a ton of elemental materia. If I had three bots I might consider a full time unspoiled/shard/crafting rotation, but...if I had three I would probably just add one more and duty farm hehe. Unspoiled isn't bad money, and it's probably a little less conspicuous, that said, I havent had any issues with full time grind mode in northern thanalan.
I see, I see. I would think the unspoiled market could get easily saturated, so I'd probably switch between that and spiritbonding depending on what the market board looked like. I'll definitely give that a try sometime. Do you mind if I ask what types of crafts you are running? Not necessarily specifics. I got all my crafts to 50 a year ago, quit, and then came back, so I'm way out of my depth on the 1/2/3/4 star crafting system. Is all the money in the 1 star/2 star mats?
HQ ingredients for tokens seem to sell well. The grind is terrible, so a lot of people would rather buy them than make them all. Hell, I would to if it weren't for WPE.