
Full Version: Which WHM profile is best?
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First of all, Sebb's has the greatest skill profiles. No offense to anyone else out there of course. But I use his on just about everything. However I do have a question Sebb, and forgive me if this isn't the right place to ask. I've tried your Whitemage profile and it's great but when I click on filter 3 which I believe turns off dps and does just healing only it doesn't do anything, even heal. Am I setting it up wrong?
Check the profile skills.

it should look like the pics below.

Heals shouldn't have any filter checks.

[Image: 7912881917.jpg][Image: 0323b67d16.jpg]
Ok, so no filters it. Wasn't sure cause when I do assist mode it attacks and heals. Granted it's awesome because it switches stances as well but was wondering if there was a heal only. Maybe if I just target player instead of mob?
Solo it has dps by default due to when questing if someone doesnt switch the filter off it wont attack mobs and just keep looking the flee/kill tasks.

you could disable the solo dps skills if you like but by default its safer to have attacks for quest and solo grinding.

[Image: 14d963ec97.png]

It should heal a targeted player with next upload.

[Image: 91be32427f.jpg]
Excellent! Thank you for all your help :) Your profile skills are hands down the best.
(11-05-2015, 03:55 PM)gekkofree Wrote: [ -> ]Where can I get the sebbs's skill profile ?

I want to say they are the built in profiles and if not the Minion Store*
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