Not sure if anyone else is having same issue. I have searched the forum but no luck.
Cannot login another account using FFXIV Minion App
What I have tried:
-rechecking login info, no problem found
-login in manually, works fine
Under the "Last Error" column is displays "Game Login or 00"
I know that launcher works because I'm able to attach and load bot.
Any suggestions?
Thank you for your quick response,
I have four accounts . I have been able to log in two of them while the other two are unable.
21 Lauching new instance for account "name of my account"
12 Downloading Manifest:
12 Downloaded C:\"long pathay"\mminon\Temp\manifest.xml
after I try to launch
45 Lauching new instance for account "name of my account"
Also I am somewhat new so i havn't touched the "multibox" tab under launcher
in minionLauncherInfo.txt
[2015-06-22 12:41:31]=> Starting Launcher
[2015-06-22 12:41:31]=> Unknown Game, ID = 0
[2015-06-22 12:41:31]=> Exiting Launcher, returning PID = 0
This above part doesn't make since to me. I have checked that advance settings, under account details and the Exe path looks fine
I did follow the all the steps, When i tried to DL the links give at the link you provide. It was updated or i had a newer version already
also I have
Windows 7 Ultimate Service Pack 1
Just Mircosoft security essentials
I am confused if it was being blocked wouldn't i be unable to run the first 2 instances?
The guide simply says:
"Do NOT install the minion product on your desktop or any other windows related folder"
I assumed this meant to not install the bot in any folders that where created when windows was installed or on "Desktop"
my "long file pathway" is a folder in my C drive.
However I will do as you instructed doing a fresh install now.
Cannot login on any accounts now >.<
The install was in C:\minionapp\
reset your password on the SE website and try again
my SE password is fine,
I know the install instructions it says this won't work long term but I installed on both the C: drive and i installed in a folder on the Desktop. I can run the App from the desktop folder and it works fine( can load all 4 accounts).
are you running it as admin?
Yup i have it set up as run as admin everytime
do the right click admin not the option to run as admin.