
Full Version: [Request] Fishing farming Scrip
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with new Fishing and gathering Scrip Points , is there anything can help me auto accept Fish with Collectable icon to Fit my require points for example :

Scrip man asked me to bring him Fish with 800 Scrip-point and when Fishing bot got that Fish with the Right 800 point he auto-accept that fish and ignore Lower fishes by click No to them
here a pic for it maybe help .

please assist me ^.^
Hi iiiiiciiiii,
you're right, collectable items is the best way to burst xp/token but the minion is not updated for that. Seems not to be difficult to deploy and you can be sure it will be available soon, like 3dmesh etc... Same request for Min/Bot, a native option in unspoiled gathering would be awesome (or option in mesh manager? in order to gather some unpoiled items as collectable, and other items in normal mode).