Hi all :)
I'm currently trying out win trading in the wolves den. In queuing in JP language with 2 groups. However It has happened to me that One of my groups get crossed with another group that it is also win trading bit with actual ppl. So I'm afraid I might get reported as I will probably won't be looking at the screen when this happens. I was wondering is there is a way to cominicate 2 ffxiv bots so if they get a pop they both will accept it but if only one group gets its it will be withdrawn.
Thank you :)
thats why you set it to D or F a lot less people JP or English would be the worst 2 to use.
I did built a communication piece at one point but if you withdraw too many times now it'll lock you out for a pretty long period of time.
@Cichard - Yes that applies to solo matches. FFXIV full party arenas can only be triggered with 2 premade groups (full party) which considering FFXIV PvP Background, no one ques to this as a full group for fun, But the reason of my question is other wintraders. There are lots of groups across realms that do wintrading just for their weekly pvp achivement. So they might select another language besides English to also try toforce pop a match with the other farming group but instead it gets matched with one of my botting groups
@Ace - Yeah you will get a lockout if you withdraw 3 times. As I stated before there are other groups wintrading for weekly/daily achivements in other languages. They normally do 10 matches (5 wins / 5 losses) thus the chance of getting one of your botting groups matched with one of these groups is low but it can happen. if it happens 2 things can occur. 1) they find the whole group is botting and report you to a GM or 2) Farm that group over and over for EXP and Marks. I rather get a daily Duty Finder lockout and continue the next day than to get reported by one of those groups and have a GM spawn on the arena to permaban me for botting. Just like Northern Thanalan bans, most of these bans were triggered by players reports to GMs and not by proactive GM just passing by and watch ppl.
I've farmed PvP over 6 hours straight and only 4 times Ive gotten matched with a different group and after that match I couldnt keep going because I kept getting the same queues with that group over and over again. Maybe there could be a funtionality that with if one of the bots gets a PvP pop and the other doesn't the first will withdraw and then both will delay XX mins to queue back again
(07-31-2015, 08:25 PM)Trevalion Wrote: [ -> ]@Cichard - Yes that applies to solo matches. FFXIV full party arenas can only be triggered with 2 premade groups (full party) which considering FFXIV PvP Background, no one ques to this as a full group for fun, But the reason of my question is other wintraders. There are lots of groups across realms that do wintrading just for their weekly pvp achivement. So they might select another language besides English to also try toforce pop a match with the other farming group but instead it gets matched with one of my botting groups
@Ace - Yeah you will get a lockout if you withdraw 3 times. As I stated before there are other groups wintrading for weekly/daily achivements in other languages. They normally do 10 matches (5 wins / 5 losses) thus the chance of getting one of your botting groups matched with one of these groups is low but it can happen. if it happens 2 things can occur. 1) they find the whole group is botting and report you to a GM or 2) Farm that group over and over for EXP and Marks. I rather get a daily Duty Finder lockout and continue the next day than to get reported by one of those groups and have a GM spawn on the arena to permaban me for botting. Just like Northern Thanalan bans, most of these bans were triggered by players reports to GMs and not by proactive GM just passing by and watch ppl.
I've farmed PvP over 6 hours straight and only 4 times Ive gotten matched with a different group and after that match I couldnt keep going because I kept getting the same queues with that group over and over again. Maybe there could be a funtionality that with if one of the bots gets a PvP pop and the other doesn't the first will withdraw and then both will delay XX mins to queue back again
I run D or F and i have never been placed with another group then my own, If you are with in 5 levels of your 2 groups, and queue at the same time its going to be very very very slim that you would get paired with someone else if both of your groups are ONLY on D.
(07-31-2015, 08:31 PM)Cichard Wrote: [ -> ]I run D or F and i have never been placed with another group then my own, If you are with in 5 levels of your 2 groups, and queue at the same time its going to be very very very slim that you would get paired with someone else if both of your groups are ONLY on D.
Yes agree. the language definitely helps a lot but believe me I've gotten pops with other groups when botting. I assume they queue in all languages (I actually do this when not botting and just doing regular dailies). However regardless of the language thing, the level gap between both groups is going to be bigger after a couple of hours. since one group is getting 80xp per match and the other just 20xp. thus delaying queue pops with every bigger gap. Specially when you have cases like mine that I started with only 2 rank 45s and bunch of rank 0s (these rank up so fast). Therefore a random group wintrading in another server might get in between that que time caused by the level gap and get a match with one of your groups
P.S; btw Im just saying this because I think it would be a nice feature :).. Not because In complaining about it or something similar :P. I love your program and your work :)
what are you talking about level gap? i just set up win trade option in the bot so they level up exactly the same. One match i get 80 the other match they get 80. coupled with speed match.
Lmao really? I didnt know how to use that funtionality.. Sorry Im kinda new at this. Do I have to check this in all of the 8 bots?. How do they sync? I mean how do they know which group wins first or second?
so you set up the name of a character from the oposite team on all bots.
Team 1 Team2
Bot1(Bot5) Bot5(Bot1)
Bot2 (Bot5) Bot6(Bot1)
Bot3 (Bot5) Bot7(Bot1)
Bot4 (Bot5) Bot8(Bot1)
After setting up each team with the name of a bot from the oposite team like above example you also enable win trade button on all 8 bots.
One last question sorry. Where do I set this name on each bot? In what field?
Thanks. Just donated btw :)