
Full Version: When the bot are in Grind mode didnt use Chocobo?
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(08-16-2015, 01:23 AM)Ace Wrote: [ -> ]Neither one of you are really providing any details either.. "broken, doesn't work at all", is not helpful.
Show us marker setups, give us locations to test and reproduce the issues, etc. Both of you have been around long enough to know what we require to fix these things so when I see reports that don't provide any useful data, you can bet that it becomes the lowest priority on my list of things to do.

now is late but tomorrow i will provide more info!!!
I went to to Coerthas Western Highlands, created a grind marker and hit start. I start grinding, but mounting and sprinting doesn't work.
My friend that sits right next to me on a different PC has the same problem.

Mount and sprint works fine in gather mode. It will mount or sprint when heading towards a new marker, but never between kills at one marker.

But it doesn't matter where I create a grind marker, it has never worked since 3-25-15 when I joined. I updated minion using the new launcher every day.

My Minion is fully updated and I have done several uninstall/re-installs.

Windows 7 x64, fully updated
Avast AV installed, minion folder and all related processes added to exception/exclusions list. I tried disabling the AV service and removing it from boot to test, but still same issue.

Malwarebytes is installed but not running as a service
Mumble and Vent are installed, but not running in background, Guildworks is installed, but this was an issue prior to its installation.

Windows Defender service is set to disabled.
Yes I followed the install guide
Yes the bot is running as admin
I use attach
I am running the Spiritbond and Legendary Fisher addons, but this issue was present before them.

Attached shots of marker and mount settings and that my minionlib is at the current version, 17.

Let me know if you need more info.

Pic of advanced settings plz.
(08-16-2015, 03:21 AM)sebbs Wrote: [ -> ]Pic of advanced settings plz.
have you tried different mounts?

first things first uninstall malware bytes, install Microsoft security esentials, like the install guide says. remove all addons, and guildworks. and try again also try with regular chocobo, see if it works. if it does then slowly add teh bot addons back. But i wouldnt have malware bytes or Defender isntalled on win 7.
(08-16-2015, 03:28 AM)Cichard Wrote: [ -> ]have you tried different mounts?

Yes I have. I rotate the mounts I use regulatory.

I was running with no Antivirus installed at all at one point and I still had the same issue. I will try uninstalling Malwarebytes, but since it is not running as a service or as a background process ever, I don't see how that would affect the bot. Also the fact that it works in gather mode.
because chocobo is working just fine for me in every mode, like ace said if the mobs are close enough its not gonna waste time mounting to get to the next mob or node. But moutning between nodes and sprinting between nodes in gathering work fine, and both sprint and mount work fine in grind and questing. also mount 15 is soooooo close why would you waste time mounting, it can shoot a mob within that range ofc its not going to mount. i wouldnt set mount distance below 50 and sprint below 30.
But it does waste time going to the next node if set that low when gathering.

I will try just using the gc choco, but I always leave him stabled because my FC feeds him.

Also I know for a fact that I can kill mobs at a faster rate over someone who is just walking between them, which is why I want it to work. I was a master at tagging mobs first in WoW because of that fact.
Ok.... basicly if you have your chocobo out. You cant use your black chocobo mount.

Company chocobo only.

Its SE settings not a minion bug btw.

To fly in the new area with chocobo out you will need to either unsummon chocobo pet or do the fly quest in ishgard.
My chocobo isn't summoned, he is in the stables.

The issue isn't that I cant mount or sprint, it is that I cant mount or sprint in grind mode within a single markers range, no matter how far or close the enemies are from each other.

Lets move away from mounts, because sprinting doesn't work either and surely the bot would at least sprint between enemies.
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