Hey! can you guys help with gathering? cause i could not figure out how to gather with the new content/layout of the new app/bot or point me out to tutorial link please

our wiki, plus there is a video at the end of the tutorial. dont know what you mean by new app /bot layout. Gathering is pretty much the same for a long time, yeah a few options here and there have been added along the way, but setting it up is pretty basic, go to zone , put bot in gathering mode, go to marker manager make sure the marker you want to farm at is selected from the single marker drop down menu, and then hit start.
I need some help, everytime I try to use the gathering bot it has this on the log
[Lua Error]: [string "C:\MINIONAPP\Bots\FFXIVMinion64\LuaMods\/ffxivminion/ffxiv_task_gather.lua"]:401: attempt to index global 'ffxiv_task_movetointeract' (a nil value)