10-13-2015, 08:24 AM
got a botany collect profile working perfect - but on miner CG does not seem to work (yes i used the different ids for miner! xD)
nvm seems to work now ,....
nvm seems to work now ,....
if (ValidTable(task)) then
whitelist = IsNull(task.whitelist,"")
radius = IsNull(task.radius,150)
nodeminlevel = IsNull(task.nodeminlevel,1)
nodemaxlevel = IsNull(task.nodemaxlevel,60)
basePos = task.pos
if (task.unspoiled and task.unspoiled == false) then
blacklist = "5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16;17;18;19;20"
elseif (task.unspoiled and task.unspoiled == true) then
whitelist = "5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16;17;18;19;20"
elseif (ValidTable(marker) and not ValidTable(ffxiv_task_gather.profileData)) then
whitelist = IsNull(marker:GetFieldValue(GetUSString("contentIDEquals")),"1;2;3;4")
radius = IsNull(marker:GetFieldValue(GetUSString("maxRadius")),150)
if (radius == 0) then radius = 150 end
nodeminlevel = IsNull(marker:GetFieldValue(GetUSString("minContentLevel")),1)
if (nodeminlevel == 0) then nodeminlevel = 1 end
nodemaxlevel = IsNull(marker:GetFieldValue(GetUSString("maxContentLevel")),60)
if (nodemaxlevel == 0) then nodemaxlevel = 60 end
basePos = marker:GetPosition()
return false
lastSelectedMarkerType = "Botany Marker"
local obj1 = {
["setup"] = {
["gearsetmining"] = 15;
["gearsetbotany"] = 6;
["tasks"] = {
[1] = {
["type"] = "botany";
["radius"] = 75;
["minlevel"] = 60;
["maxlevel"] = 60;
["whitelist"] = 8;
["mapid"] = 397;
["pos"] = {
["x"] = -687;
["y"] = 99;
["z"] = -578;
["highpriority"] = true;
["usestealth"] = true;
--["resetdaily"] = true;
["gathergardening"] = false;
["item1"] = "Chysahl Greens";
--["eorzeaminhour"] = 9;
--["eorzeamaxhour"] = 21;
["dangerousarea"] = true;
["skillprofile"] = "Chysahl Greens"
["unspoiled"] = true;
["marker"] = "Chysahl Greens"
return obj1
minionlib_raw =
DefaultMaps =
[128] = "Limsa (Upper)",
[129] = "Limsa (Lower)",
[130] = "Ul dah - Steps of Nald",
[131] = "Ul dah - Steps of Thal",
[132] = "New Gridania",
[133] = "Old Gridania",
[134] = "Middle La Noscea",
[135] = "Lower La Noscea",
[137] = "Eastern La Noscea",
[138] = "Western La Noscea",
[139] = "Upper La Noscea",
[140] = "Western Thanalan",
[141] = "Central Thanalan",
[144] = "Gold Saucer",
[145] = "Eastern Thanalan",
[146] = "Southern Thanalan",
[147] = "Northern Thanalan",
[148] = "Central Shroud",
[152] = "East Shroud",
[153] = "South Shroud",
[154] = "North Shroud",
[155] = "Coerthas",
[156] = "Mor Dhona",
[175] = "Wolves Den",
[177] = "Limsa Lominsa - Inn",
[178] = "Ul dah - Inn",
[179] = "Gridania - Inn",
[180] = "Outer La Noscea",
[198] = "Limsa Lominsa - Command",
[204] = "Gridania - First Bow",
[205] = "Lotus Stand",
[210] = "Ul dah - Heart of the Sworn",
[212] = "Waking Sands",
[286] = "ImOnABoat",
[331] = "Garuda_Entrance",
[336] = "Wolves Den",
[337] = "Wolves Den",
[351] = "Rising Stones",
[352] = "Wolves Den",
[376] = "Frontlines",
[395] = "Intercessory",
[397] = "Coerthas Western Highlands",
[398] = "The Dravanian Forelands",
[399] = "The Dravanian Hinterlands",
[400] = "The Churning Mists",
[401] = "Sea of Clouds",
[402] = "Azys Lla",
[418] = "Ishgard - Foundation",
[419] = "Ishgard - The Pillars",
[422] = "Frontlines - Slaughter",
[427] = "Ishgard - Scholasticate",
[433] = "Ishgard - Fortempts Manor",
[439] = "Ishgard - Chocobo Proving Grounds",
[456] = "Ishgard - Ruling Chamber",
[463] = "Matoyas Cave",
[478] = "Idyllshire",
gMarkerMgrMode = "Single Marker",
gNoMeshLoad = "0",
lastSelectedMarker =
unspoiledMarker = "Gysahl Greens",
lastSelectedMarkerType = "Botany Marker",
(10-14-2015, 03:18 PM)Ace Wrote: [ -> ]lastSelectedMarkerType has nothing to do with profiles.
In the profile, you have a "marker" field, which isn't supported and not necessary. The position and mapid are, in effect, the "markers".
Collectibles are managed through the UI, it will adjust what to do and use the skill profile you selected to do this as well.
(10-14-2015, 07:51 PM)Ace Wrote: [ -> ]It set a cooldown because it must have come across an unspoiled node while doing this circuit and farmed it, which will invalidate it for the next 23 minutes or so (1 Eorzean day). You can use:
in the console to reset all these if you think it might be messed up.