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Hi all, quick announcement.
Probably within the next 48 hours I will replace the current gathering code with a re-vamped version that includes support for profiles, much like the new Fishing code.
The usage of profiles is intended to replace the current method of unspoiled gathering, and is much more customizable and shareable since only a single file is required to be passed along.
The old unspoiled UI options will be pulled out of the GUI in order to help streamline things a bit, but for the first couple of days it will be left alone.
Attached to this post will be the files for the new mode, and some test profiles, one which shows how to use Unspoiled, created by Sebbs (thanks as usual buddy), and one which was created by me, which mostly just details all of the various commands you have at your disposal.
I think you will all find the profile system much more powerful, as it will allow you to do complete 1-60 leveling, gather in between zones at your will, and pass along these profiles while only requiring one file. The marker system will still be usable while not using a selected profile, but it's intention will be solely for single-zone use.
Update is live now, thanks to those who helped test.
Thank you, Ace and Sebbs, for all your hard work, dedication to the app, and to the community.
I continue to struggle mightily to fully understand and exploit the profiles; thus, I'll be waiting impatiently to see what other members of this talented community create.
At some point ill make a video guide.
I like your video guides a lot, Sebbs.
Additionally -- and only because I'm not a computer/programming whiz -- I'd really like to see a sample breakdown of some of the skill profiles; gathering, crafting AND fighting/buffing/healing. In other words, a simple guide covering the various types of skills. I've tried building my own profiles, but I'm obviously not setting the skills contained therein correctly because they usually don't fire off at all, or don't do as they're intended. I've tried analyzing extant profiles/skills to see what settings are working, but this is tedious and all too hit or miss without fully comprehending the rationale behind the settings.
I hope this makes some sense. Frankly, I'd be happy to pay a premium for a comprehensive guide on skill profile building step by step -- not just the process but the reasoning behind.
Skill profiles would be way to hard to explain in a video guide
And the conditional behind each skill is a huge list to cover.
Most skill profiles are either buff checks on yourself or a target or a last skill used check.
Hiya Ace, This is a nice nice update for Gathering,
None of the profiles are showing up for me even tho I replaced the module, and created GatherProfiles, reloaded bot couple of times but none of my BTN and MIN leveling packs 1-50 nor the Example one are showing up for me, not sure others are having the same issue.
Updated the package, try the new one.
That fixed the profile loading issue, thx
Can we post our made profiles yet?
I made one for all crystal/shards and Clusters all together.
Well I guess they can pull it if its too soon to post these...
10/05 V1.1 Cleaned up Gather Profiles and corrected errors.
10/05 V1.2 Better Coding, Added intervals of 1/3 to (No Cluster Port) 3333 > 6666 > 9999
Here's the files.
Crystals, Crystals2, Clusters
Go in \LuaMods\ffxivminion\SkillManagerProfiles
ShardCrystalCluster and ShardCrystalCluster(No Cluster Port)
The difference between the two is,
Gathers Fire > Water > Ice > Earth > Wind > Lightning
Will start with Fire Crystal/Shards up to 9999 while teleporting to Mor Dhona as unspoiled nodes become available...
so your presence is constantly changing between the two, u lose a lot of time due to choco running but your not staying at one locations forever...
Teleports 6 times per ingame Day.
ShardCrystalCluster(No Cluster Port)
Gathers Fire > Water > Ice > Earth > Wind > Lightning shards/crystals up to 4999
Then move to next element. once all elements are at 4999.
Bot will Cycle through Elements again until stacks are at 9999....
If at this point you still haven't checked on your poor toons...

They will begin mining unspoiled clusters until those are at 9999... lol
Happy Farming
Ace Just installed it to test out and i am running jbrawley1 Profile. Works like a charm.
Gonna start working on and unspoiled node profile.
Found the following problem. When i tried to gather with my old Markers ( note markers MIN/BOT- not unspoiled) and profile set to none if the bot detects a node near it clears it ,then switches to next marker ( Marker Team) and after it walks/ rides there it stops moving if it finds no nodes and stars cycling through marer like it's stuck on an endless loop. Tried reload Modules 3-4 din't fix.
Also Teleporting to and from Markers didn't work. Nonetheless if you use a profile it teleports
Edit As an added bonus i attached my shard farming Skill Profiles. It uses Wards Depending on Shard you are on
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