im crafting like crazy since this came out and not having any issues. alternativly you can just use crafting exactly the way it was before by setting it to none.
(10-23-2015, 03:04 PM)Cichard Wrote: [ -> ]im crafting like crazy since this came out and not having any issues. alternativly you can just use crafting exactly the way it was before by setting it to none.
Idk what happened actually, but my bot status is that Bot Enabled, and Idle Count keep account, but do nothing.
Here is the screenshot
Turn debug to level 3, open the console, post that SS.
(10-23-2015, 04:35 PM)Ace Wrote: [ -> ]Turn debug to level 3, open the console, post that SS.
After I turn debug to 3, works well, if I get the same problem, I will post it asap. Thanks for help.
(10-23-2015, 03:38 PM)zhangxi689 Wrote: [ -> ] (10-23-2015, 03:04 PM)Cichard Wrote: [ -> ]im crafting like crazy since this came out and not having any issues. alternativly you can just use crafting exactly the way it was before by setting it to none.
Idk what happened actually, but my bot status is that Bot Enabled, and Idle Count keep account, but do nothing.
Here is the screenshot
I have this problem as well, after debug lvl 3 turned on. I get "[CraftLimit]: Cheking if itemcount [0] is more than [0]" and it enters in a loop state.
I have also another problem, everytime that I set the Gear set number and reload the bot, or start it again. All the values are back to "1"
same problem as above with the loop state on craft limit and also not remembering gear sets but i also get an issue where it won't change skill profiles
has this been released yet???
im checking the crafting but its still the exact same?
remove maha his mod till that is updated
Uploaded a fix just now that was affecting multi-craft.
(10-24-2015, 06:50 PM)Ace Wrote: [ -> ]Uploaded a fix just now that was affecting multi-craft.
its working now, thank you!