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Using CWH flight paths, and the rainbow cotton boll profile by sebbs, suddenly the bot starts to randomly act weird around task 306. Instead of summoning the griffon mount to fly, it will summon a black chocobo. It will then try to land on an off-mesh mountain area while spamming "Landing, dont attempt to fly"
If I move to a meshed area and land, it will harvest the next node, then never take off again. It takes a reload to make it work again for the next 10-15 minutes until the cycle repeats. Previous to 3.1, this combination worked well enough to gain 5 levels unattended.
Game crashed when I tried to take a screenshot, but this error has persisted across 3 game reloads and one pc eboot.
(11-12-2015, 02:55 AM)Mcdougall Wrote: [ -> ]Hey I am probably wrong but just throwing it out there the reason people are having problems is because the lua is loading before you are logged into the game. It always use to load when your in the game. Thats why people have to reload lua's etc...
This is not a bug, its a feature.
(11-12-2015, 05:01 AM)Powder Wrote: [ -> ] (11-12-2015, 02:55 AM)Mcdougall Wrote: [ -> ]Hey I am probably wrong but just throwing it out there the reason people are having problems is because the lua is loading before you are logged into the game. It always use to load when your in the game. Thats why people have to reload lua's etc...
This is not a bug, its a feature.
I'm not saying its a bug. But because it is loading before the character is even selected it is not getting the character information and when you log into the game you have to reload the modules. After reloading the modules it goes to the last settings you had in there.
Edit: Also I did right now just check to make sure i have the most current version. I do :)
mine keeps freezing in various heavensward places in quest under heavensward 50-60. I will have to log on and move them some where else and then start the bot, sometimes it will go for 30 mins, others it freezes the moment I start the bot. :[
Guys keep in mind emergency patch went in. So probably minion will need an update
(11-12-2015, 07:03 AM)alxdjo Wrote: [ -> ]Guys keep in mind emergency patch went in. So probably minion will need an update
99.9% after a emergency maintenance bot just works, since they not really move memory locations around with them.
Broken now after emergency maint.
(11-12-2015, 10:04 AM)vpkiller91 Wrote: [ -> ]Broken now after emergency maint.
Yep, getting memory location errors when the game first loads.
Game crashing at the character selection since the servers are up.
Yep, it broke again after today Emergency Maintain. After Attach, can't click or select anything, then after awhile the game just crash.
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