i have 4BOTs. sometime PTleader do not select Dungeon on Duty Finder at second times.
that error message "No duty has been selected".
anyone have idea this problem ?

I have been having the same problem. Can't seem to get it working properly.
I'd start the bots and it would queue up just fine the first time. But while queuing up for the second time, I'm getting the same error, it would queue up properly after a few seconds ( 10 secs more or less) but this delay really hurts the gph.
I'm guessing they changed the way how queuing up for duty repeatedly works.
If anyone has a solution, it would be greatly appreciated :3
Will check it out later.
The duty system has been completely changed so its not suprising there was a bug.
But as far as bugs go thats only small.
Setting perfmance value to 'Normal' worked more reliably than fast or extreme this past week.