
Full Version: LVL 60 ONLY Black Mage Profile (Updated 12/02/15)
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This is the profile so far. Please test and provide feedback on what is or is not working regarding rotation and DPS.

Filter 1 = Not Used
Filter 2 = AOE (Fire 2, Blizzard 2, Flare, Freeze)
Filter 3 = Not Used
Filter 4 = Not Used
Filter 5 = PVP (Scathe)

11/30/15 - I've removed AOE and PVP from the profile for the time being while I work on getting the rotation perfected. Re-worked the profile and after testing on a dummy for an hour or so it seems to maintain Enochian much better and the DPS is much improved. For the opener, it will begin with Sharpcast->Fire, Ley Lines, Raging Strikes, Enochian, Fire 3 and go from there. What I'm looking for is feedback on whether or not transpose and convert should be used during the opener and when. Also, when is the best time for transpose and convert to be used during the regular rotation? I'm trying to get consistent DPS for 5 - 8 minutes around the 1100 - 1200 range at ilevel 195 - 200. Currently it maintains 950 - 1050 DPS for 5 min plus at i195.

12/02/15 - Been working on the opener and it is currently based off of the information provided in this thread:

Current Opener is as follows:
Fire 3
Ley Lines
Raging Strikes
Fire 4
Fire 4
Fire 4
Fire 3 (Firestarter Proc)
Fire 4
Fire 4
Fire 4
Blizzard 3
Blizzard 4
Fire 3

At this point it continues on with the standard rotation of cycling through your spells to maintain Enochian. DPS has been bumped up to around 1000 - 1100 for 5 min duration on dummies at i195. I'll be working on fine tuning the opener and Enochian Rotation for the next week or so and when I feel it is about 99% reliable I'll flesh out the profile with the AOE spells and rotation.
The opener I use is

Ley -> Ice3 -> Thunder2 -> fire3 -> Sharp Cast -> Fire 1 -> Raging Strike -> enochain -> Fire1 -> Fire 4+4+4 -> Fire3 -> Fire4+4 -> Shift Cast -> Flare -> Convert -> Fire4 -> Ice3 -> Ice4 -> Ice4 -> Fire3

During ice mode going back to fire I never use thunder in between, always use Ice 4 x 2 when enochain is still up.

Having touch BLM for sometime since Ravina but my DPS was always the top one. This opener might not be the best nowadays but I believe it's still viable.
I believe you can do it in best, since you are Yellowcarqueen who my hero. BTW you can refer to Sebbs BLM profiles that is good currently.
Once again feel free to message me if you need help with any BLM related questions. Hit 2100 DPS on Thordan EX with opener last night at ilvl 196.
Is this still working?
(03-23-2016, 05:12 PM)iDownload Wrote: [ -> ]Is this still working?

No idea, haven't touched this in months. =p

Update: Looks like it still is working, but I don't think it was ever on par with the EasyBLM profile. I know he said his profile is not currently working so this might do for a filler in the mean time.
Any future plans for this? :D
(03-24-2016, 02:27 PM)iDownload Wrote: [ -> ]Any future plans for this? :D

Nope. BLM is probably the hardest job to write a profile for due to all of the buffs that need to be maintained and checked against. Ace has talked about making some improves to skill manager in the future to help so maybe if and when that occurs.
I tried this and all I can see right now is the profile is not doing thunder when it procs other than that its pretty decent