need to fix profile with 3.2 please help us XD
(02-24-2016, 07:52 PM)nyomaru Wrote: [ -> ]need to fix profile with 3.2 please help us XD
Working on it right now, I'm updating it so that it does the Suiton opener
Nice ty!! And maybee If u can increment dps would be Nice!
24/2/2016 v3.11
-Changed Opener to Shasta's Suiton opener
Just a quick release for people to use tonight in raids. Please go test it on dummies for me to let me know of issues so I can fix it before people's raids tonight.
Make sure your mudras along with all other major CDs are ready before your tank pulls if you want to opener to be used.
Also, there might be a bug where profiles don't work on targets with no positionals (later phases in Seph Ex, Legs in A4, etc). There was an update to skillmanager recently that may have fixed it but I haven't tested it there yet.
Good work i Just at work atm cant test It But Will do once i get at home!!
Another quick update:
24/2/2016 v3.12
-Adjusted all mudras to cast at 300ms speed within macro manager
-Profile will force Armor Crush to be used if Huton is below 10s instead of 20s
Hopefully 300ms is fast enough for both west/east coast NA users without increasing the risk of bunnies. The better your connection is to server location, the lower that can be.
Edit: I just went into a4n on my MCH and the issue still occurs where the assister refuses to attack anything that does not have positionals (legs).
Edit 2: Works fine in Seph Ex when he has no positionals in phase 2
But 300ms is good for EU Player?
(02-25-2016, 12:50 AM)nyomaru Wrote: [ -> ]But 300ms is good for EU Player?
I don't know how far you are from your datacenter, hopefully it's good enough
Kk once i got at home i Will try the Profile