nice... just wanted to ask about the state of flying, since right now it does exactly nothing ;) I also noticed that path finding seems hard before an object (fps drop and resutling chaos flight). Good luck with the new meshes, sitting and waiting eagerly here ;)
first test ran great, Drav. Forelands, from Aetheryte to Iron Feast no issue whatsoever. well done ;) I just have my fishing profile for testing so far, so I will only see Drav. Fore-/Hinterlands and Azys La, but the mechanics seem to work well now
Please include diadem! I'm hoping to party-grind in there.
Just woke after a long sleep was pretty ill and miserable, thought I'll boot up Minion and see what's new and got the biggest smile

Do you guys ever sleep? I have never seen a team with so much dedication and diligence. I'm only in my first month of use and never cease to be amazed at how many updates you come up with and how closely you follow things including your constant monitoring of the forums and question answering and problem solving. I played FFXIV initially for two years in a more conventional way but had to change from PS3 to PC after my hands became progressively worse and then decided to try Minion to see if I could use it to be able to play for a few more years as minimal button mashing helps. I'm so glad I did. The latest updates will make what is already pretty damn good, epic. Needless to say I'll be continuing my subscription and I hope you go from strength to strength because you knock the spots off the other guys. You made one lady very happy. Thanks!
I did a full 100% cube mesh of Hinterlands if anyone wants it.
Slight problem tho... It seems to be just going back to Idyllshire constantly when using it with the bot but if i use click to travel it works 100% fine.
I'll give this a go tonight. Also looking forward to Diadem. Flight or no flight that place is friggin huge! If SE wasn't watching so hard core I'd use the click to teleport more often :/
Just came back to test only this one thing out, lol :P
It's navigating quite fine. Went there easily, you just (really) need to get rid of how you unmount :P
It's basically looking the same as If I would rapidly press Mount&Unmount, even tho. The navigation part is working well, and you deserved a clap and my money for this.
Edit: It's different from Mount&Unmounting-spam, it targets an enemy from air and then tries to get close to this enemy, stutter-walks meanwhile, and then flies to the ground like a charm :/
Come on guys. I wanna sleep :-(
test time...
Last of the cubes are done
Please report issues
Or just if they are working flawlessly
I dont have access to diadem so i cant mesh that atm.