(05-12-2016, 05:26 PM)BadGuy Wrote: [ -> ]The other problem is when it's unspoilt node time I do teleport, but so far I've seen one of the following two behaviours:
I find a node, I move there, then it won't gather as it's not close enough (?) it then gives up and teleports back to the tomatoe fields :)
The only time i've seen this behavior is when you don't have
A. 600GP (See notes in the lua file)
B. you have not discovered the resource in the unspoiled node before attempting to use this lua file. (again see lua file notes)
sorry I'm new here is that still working and if yes what does it mean if I get 5 skill profiles?. Will it change by itself and what does it do with get1,2,3,4 and 5?
Thanks a lot
(05-01-2016, 09:14 AM)Chunky Wrote: [ -> ]Is there a way to get this to use collector's glove? I'm lvl51 currently and it will do the leveling skill profile which will turn collector's glove off. It will then teleport to unspoiled nodes when there time is near and gather them, but won't turn collector's glove back on. So why teleport for the unspoiled nodes at all then? Seems like it should just level if it won't or can't collect.
I'm still experiencing this problem, is there anything I can do to fix this? I'm level 53 currently, still failing with the gloves..