01-17-2016, 12:19 PM
Being new to botting, I have been able to put together gathering and tasks profiles with no help by picking apart others profiles and editing it to my liking. However, setting up skills profiles have been alot more tricky. My current problem is with an Adamantite Ore Profile I have set up to run in a task. I want the skill profile "Money Adamantite Ore" to use Bountiful Yield 3 times to yield me 8 ores everytime it runs however so far it has only gotten me 6 because it rapid fires the skill 3 times on the same hit. Being new to this I know its my inexperience that is the problem so any help would be greatly appreciated.
-- Persistent Data
local multiRefObjects = {
} -- multiRefObjects
local obj1 = {
["filters"] = {
[1] = "";
[2] = "";
[3] = "";
[4] = "";
[5] = "";
["skills"] = {
[1] = {
["alias"] = "";
["collraritylt"] = 1000;
["collrarityltpct"] = 0;
["collweareq"] = 0;
["collweargt"] = 0;
["collwearlt"] = 20;
["collwearltpct"] = 0;
["gatherattempts"] = 0;
["gatherattemptsmax"] = 0;
["gpbuff"] = "";
["gpmax"] = 0;
["gpmin"] = 0;
["gpnbuff"] = "";
["gsecspassed"] = 0;
["hasitem"] = "";
["id"] = 4073;
["isunspoiled"] = "0";
["itemchancemax"] = 0;
["itemhqchancemin"] = 0;
["lastcast"] = 0;
["lastcastunique"] = {
["name"] = "MIN - Bountiful Yield";
["prio"] = 1;
["pskillg"] = "";
["singleuseonly"] = "0";
["type"] = 1;
["used"] = "1";
["version"] = 2;
return obj1