03-25-2016, 01:31 AM
I have one hope in gathering
After gathering, I want you to stop the movement to return flying to the center over the location where the gathering field.
This movement is suspicious like a BOT. Will can not be waiting by stealth on the spot after the time of the gathering is over.
I have actually using this profile, have been exposed and seems to BOT.
This issue is something that occurred in the Addon but, Sebbs had said as follows.
Sebbs Wrote:
the actual return to base location after gathering is a gathering function controlled separately.
i have no control over that.
I want opinion of developers.
I have one hope in gathering
After gathering, I want you to stop the movement to return flying to the center over the location where the gathering field.
This movement is suspicious like a BOT. Will can not be waiting by stealth on the spot after the time of the gathering is over.
I have actually using this profile, have been exposed and seems to BOT.
This issue is something that occurred in the Addon but, Sebbs had said as follows.
Sebbs Wrote:
the actual return to base location after gathering is a gathering function controlled separately.
i have no control over that.
I want opinion of developers.