I think you may of missed the point.
The point being that you should make full use of the opener using every buff. If you refresh Dots while those are up it's a dps increase.
Yes Iron jaws casts with plenty of time to refresh the dots but again not before all your buffs have run out and lost the potential dps of overcharged dots.
(05-31-2016, 04:22 AM)Wonderland Wrote: [ -> ]I think you may of missed the point.
The point being that you should make full use of the opener using every buff. If you refresh Dots while those are up it's a dps increase.
Yes Iron jaws casts with plenty of time to refresh the dots but again not before all your buffs have run out and lost the potential dps of overcharged dots.
Buffs dont effect the DoTs they only effect the initial hit and ironjaws is the smallest hitting potency. So if you want it to be used earlier so the buffs are up that would be a dps decrease and not an increase. So... am i still missing something? Please elaborate a little more.
Ah, You're missing the fact that Buffs do in fact effect Dots.
(05-31-2016, 05:25 AM)Wonderland Wrote: [ -> ]Ah, You're missing the fact that Buffs do in fact effect Dots.
Ahh i was under the impression that DoTs are not affected by buffs. I did test the theory out and you are correct B4B does indeed give 10% dmg increase after 3 five minute parses.
Is there a way to stop Wardens Paean from automatically going off all the time?
Ive removed everything from the Dispell list and it still keeps using it as soon as it become available
Edit: Even if I'm standing in the housing ward doing absolutely nothing
Make the big green button red
![[Image: f784f3529d.jpg]](http://puu.sh/pcqc3/f784f3529d.jpg)
It is red :O I have all but WM off right now just to test it because it wouldn't stop going off
turns out thats the tp song..
looks like its because you removed all your debuffs from the list...
next time disable them instead.
![[Image: 08f5e03d4c.png]](http://puu.sh/pcriK/08f5e03d4c.png)
i needed to restore default settings for the acr file to get it to stop.
Ahh ok How do I restore them?
I deleted the setting file but possibly just make a new setting file would work too
Have you restarted or reloaded the bot?