(06-25-2016, 04:48 PM)datsit Wrote: [ -> ] (06-25-2016, 07:56 AM)massina Wrote: [ -> ]Hello,
my problem started right after updating
It shows no games to attach even though I have an active one
![[Image: XvKP0Px.png]](http://i.imgur.com/XvKP0Px.png)
![[Image: D4uRQt3.png]](http://i.imgur.com/D4uRQt3.png)
any idea?
Are you running in Dx11? My bet is you are and if you are, you will not see any ffxiv PID tasks for the bot to attach to since mmominion doesn't support dx11. Hopefully they will sometime since they have issues with dx9 and the limited memory.
Fixing it is going back to
DX9 I assume? also if you don't mind me asking what to do next. I'm not sure how to go about that
FF launcher, config button.
![[Image: 8695530920.jpg]](http://puu.sh/pv4rr/8695530920.jpg)
(06-25-2016, 05:40 PM)Latty79 Wrote: [ -> ]FF launcher, config button.
![[Image: 8695530920.jpg]](http://puu.sh/pv4rr/8695530920.jpg)
tried it before posting actually still doesn't work
edit: nvm it's working now. thank you!
(06-12-2016, 10:20 AM)Likoska Wrote: [ -> ] (06-11-2016, 06:27 AM)smiker Wrote: [ -> ]After the last patch my toons trying interacting with keys on the floor over and over, for example in Sastasha.
Seeing the same issue with every interactable item in dungeons; keys, photocells, etc. They will constantly interrupt each other until one of them either gets lucky with the timing or they die to nearby enemies.
![[Image: f334ac4c8c.png]](http://puu.sh/pnYiv/f334ac4c8c.png)
Any news about this bug? Still having problems with keys on the floor...
Noticed that none of my gathering markers are working. I haven't changed a thing - went to my regular location, put the correct marker up and hit "start." The "Bot Enabled" check button briefly flashes then turns off. This is happening in every zone. Just noting.
(06-16-2016, 02:44 PM)Haigha Wrote: [ -> ]Having an issue with crafting (was told to post it here?)
It appears that the bots are having issues with some crafting items. For example, I can make spruce lumber, but when I try to make spruce plywood my bot's just bringing up the carpenter crafting log and just sitting there doing nothing. Same with Birch Rods.
Other players have said this issue also happens with Steamed Staff, Seafood Stew, or a few things that are in the Master 3 and 4 books for Culinary, no masterbook items are working.
Someone else posted Making potions with craft orders also is not working. It selects dyes and sits there.
Same problem here, seems to hover the correct heavensward page then switches to dyes and stays there
Emm anyone else not seeing anything ? Bot is attached but cant see the bar or ui at all?