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tried on dummy, so far
working: pld, war, smn
not working: nin, ,mnk, drg and brd
i working ninja. using acr haru.
So ACR working but not old Assist manager for nin >.<
Assist working great now, you're the man!
(09-27-2016, 01:09 PM)fxfire Wrote: [ -> ]Alright, Restart minionapp a 3rd time.... casting is fixed now. (at least for me :D)
okie it works for me too

, thanks fxfire for the fast update as always

Works great fx! Nice work!
Tried using sebb's gathering 1-60, it ported to churning then started spamming the walkto error line.
Hi, I'm also having issues with gathering blue script items with sebbs gathering profile. It's gathering the items but not as collectables.
I don't think this has to do with 3.45 since this are outdated profiles but..could you also update this assist profiles EasyDragoon, EasyNinja, EasyMonk, EasyMCH, EasyBrd, please? They are the best free profiles i used. The profile is only activating buffs skills.
(09-27-2016, 02:12 PM)jony_stunner Wrote: [ -> ]Hi, I'm also having issues with gathering blue script items with sebbs gathering profile. It's gathering the items but not as collectables.
I don't think this has to do with 3.45 since this are outdated profiles but..could you also update this assist profiles EasyDragoon, EasyNinja, EasyMonk, EasyMCH, EasyBrd, please? They are the best free profiles i used. The profile is only activating buffs skills.
you gonna have to ask the respective creater to fix any profile, as they are not maintained by minion devs
I've restarted and I'm still having choco issues - on Sebbs gathering profile, won't summon the chocobo properly to fly. Flies fine if I summon it manually.
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