Windows 7
Malwarebytes (temporarily tried to uninstall but no changes)
Teamviewer and AMD radeon settings installed but not running
Bot is running as admin
Attach button
No addons
I'm having the issue that the game starts to fps drop like crazy for like half a minute or longer, this only happens after the bot has been attached for a while (like an hour or longer). The game also crashes sometimes with the fps drops or randomly when changing zones (after the first fps drop happened). I have tried playing around 6 hours in a go without the bot and it works perfectly fine. The fps drops also happen when I don't use any function of minion.
Any ideas? :/
Edit: If it helps, when I try to ReLoad Lua Modules after such a fps drop happened it just gets stuck at "Building navigation mesh..."
(10-10-2016, 06:35 AM)fxfire Wrote: [ -> ]upgrade to win 10 ;)
Can be a few things, from generally not having enough memory available, having a very slow HDD that does not like "putting a lot of data from memory into the pagefile regularly, aka running out of memory on C:" to a lot more other things. Run the game in super low gfx mode.
Once oiur 64bit version of ffxivminion is live, this all should be a thing of the past.
Why win 10? I would rather not. lol
Made bad experiences with it last year where a few games and software stopped working after a specific window update and it took them more than a month to patch it.
Generally not having enough memory? Do you mean RAM or HDD? Well I doubt it's not enough RAM as I'm using 12GB and my HDD has 374GB free with my pagefile at 18GB. Tried to set the graphics as low as possible but still no changes. :/
Any other ideas/suggestions perhaps? Or can we expect the 64bit version anytime soon?
End of the Month should be possible. It is not our PC settings live RAM or CPU why the game crash sometimes. The bot 32 Bit Version can't handle more than 4 GB i think. Thats the reason for the game feeze because the CPU Run till 100%. 64 Bit Version will change this. If i use the bot for leveling at night i turn the grahic settings to low live you. Works fine for me with it.
(10-10-2016, 09:30 PM)Fraser Wrote: [ -> ]
End of the Month should be possible. It is not our PC settings live RAM or CPU why the game crash sometimes. The bot 32 Bit Version can't handle more than 4 GB i think. Thats the reason for the game feeze because the CPU Run till 100%. 64 Bit Version will change this. If i use the bot for leveling at night i turn the grahic settings to low live you. Works fine for me with it.
Ahh thank you for the link.
But it happens with low graphic too :/
i had this bug too , most of time it starts when u wanna change the map ( with telepoorting ) then u wll get hardcore lagging like 1-2 FPS and it kinda need 10-30 seconds till u reached ur destination
only forcing the bot to shutdown and restart solves it. The bug can appear after 8 minutes or after 2hours+ doesnt matter. If u let the bot run on its own , u will never notice any problems but if u
manually teleport it can appear. I was trying different ingame gfx settings and somehow it seems to working again for me but like i said i had it before and dont know why ^^
and i got the game on a SSD with enough space even windows got like 50gb spare space. and got some fine 16GB RAM so after running the game 8 minutes its impossible the RAM is allready full ^^.
(10-11-2016, 10:13 AM)ogogo Wrote: [ -> ]i had this bug too , most of time it starts when u wanna change the map ( with telepoorting ) then u wll get hardcore lagging like 1-2 FPS and it kinda need 10-30 seconds till u reached ur destination
only forcing the bot to shutdown and restart solves it. The bug can appear after 8 minutes or after 2hours+ doesnt matter. If u let the bot run on its own , u will never notice any problems but if u
manually teleport it can appear. I was trying different ingame gfx settings and somehow it seems to working again for me but like i said i had it before and dont know why ^^
and i got the game on a SSD with enough space even windows got like 50gb spare space. and got some fine 16GB RAM so after running the game 8 minutes its impossible the RAM is allready full ^^.
Hmmm.. maybe it could be the reason then, I use teleport and chocobo porter a lot...
Forcing the bot to shutdown? Do you exit game or just quit bot? And how do you change map?
Yeah I doubt it's my hardware... besides some 64bit thing :p
The memory doesn't work the way you think it does in the manner we are forced to use it within the 32-bit client.
Regardless of if you have 2 GB or 100 GB of RAM, there is about 1.45GB usable for both the game and the bot.
As a workaround, some stuff is swapped around to a pagefile back and forth, but even this solution doesn't last forever.
The main thing you can do to help for now is set the 2 LOD caching options on, in the graphics settings.