
Full Version: Bot wont start
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OS : Windows 10
Virusscanner : Deleted it
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Final Fantasy : Running with direct x 9

Problem : Game wont start with account details filled in
Problem : Bot UI wont load when manuele attach it to the game

So i have installed MMO minion.

When i add a new management without filling in my account and manualy attach it to the game the timer starts but it wont start up the UI

[2016-12-30 21:18:34]=> Starting Launcher
[2016-12-30 21:18:34]=> Parsing region with Value 0
[2016-12-30 21:18:34]=> Parsing attachtype with Value 0
[2016-12-30 21:18:34]=> Parsing uid with Value ae25829d1a514eec91c96ec93e3f8e16
[2016-12-30 21:18:34]=> Parsing productid with Value 1
[2016-12-30 21:18:34]=> Parsing minionkey with Value FFXIVXdefb13574f1c38ab245975b20dc2f27020b2cbdd
[2016-12-30 21:18:34]=> Parsing minionpass with Value *************
[2016-12-30 21:18:34]=> Parsing account with Value 
[2016-12-30 21:18:34]=> Parsing accountpass with Value *************
[2016-12-30 21:18:34]=> Parsing charname with Value 
[2016-12-30 21:18:34]=> Parsing server with Value Cerberus
[2016-12-30 21:18:34]=> Parsing attach with Value true
[2016-12-30 21:18:34]=> Parsing path with Value C:\Program Files (x86)\SquareEnix\FINAL FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborn\game\ffxiv.exe
[2016-12-30 21:18:34]=> Parsing datpath with Value C:\MINIONAPP\Bots\FFXIVMinion\MinionFiles\FFXIVMinion.dat
[2016-12-30 21:18:34]=> Parsing botpath with Value C:\MINIONAPP\Bots\FFXIVMinion
[2016-12-30 21:18:34]=> Parsing args with Value 
[2016-12-30 21:18:34]=> Parsing args2 with Value 
[2016-12-30 21:18:34]=> Parsing datacenter with Value 5
[2016-12-30 21:18:34]=> Parsing attachtopid with Value 6024
[2016-12-30 21:18:34]=> Preparations for launch done

When i add a new management with my account details it says that either my username or password is incorrect

[2016-12-30 20:56:57]=> Parsing attach with Value true
[2016-12-30 20:56:57]=> Parsing path with Value C:\Program Files (x86)\SquareEnix\FINAL FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborn\game\ffxiv.exe
[2016-12-30 20:56:57]=> Parsing datpath with Value C:\MINIONAPP\Bots\FFXIVMinion\MinionFiles\FFXIVMinion.dat
[2016-12-30 20:56:57]=> Parsing botpath with Value C:\MINIONAPP\Bots\FFXIVMinion
[2016-12-30 20:56:57]=> Parsing args with Value 
[2016-12-30 20:56:57]=> Parsing args2 with Value DEV.DataPathType=1 DEV.LobbyPort01=54994 DEV.LobbyPort02=54994 DEV.LobbyPort03=54994 DEV.LobbyPort04=54994 DEV.LobbyPort05=54994 DEV.LobbyPort06=54994 DEV.TestSID=062abee96518f8100c415279e448114b DEV.UseSqPack=1 DEV.MaxEntitledExpansionID=1 SYS.Region=3 language=1 resetConfig=0 ver=2016.12.08.0000.0000 
[2016-12-30 20:56:57]=> Parsing datacenter with Value 0
[2016-12-30 20:56:57]=> Preparations for launch done
[2016-12-30 21:18:34]=> Starting Launcher

I am lost and don't know what else i could do to make it work