When making crafting profiles you have all the skill details when you choose a skill. I have understood most of the options... but i am just trying to figure out what these two do exactly
I presume ToT is for tricks of the trade, but what does it do exactly...
I am hoping its a counter for how often ToT has been used... but i am not sure.
I have tried to find something on the forums and in the tutorials and have not seen anything. I could have over looked something or am just blind. Thanks for any info on this.
yes its a counter for when you set like ToT from step 2-10 and set <3 it will do max. 2 times only
so is it a counter for the whole rotation or only in between steps 2-10 in your example... say it procs and does only 1 time in your example... outside of steps 2-10 is it still a counter set to 1 or would it reset back to 0? and if it stays at 1 and i use tricks of the trades again outside of the 2-10 steps (say in the 20-28 steps and it procs 2 times) would the counter just increase to 3 or does the counter reset as its a new tricks of the trade skill and would only be at 2. I hope i got my question across properly.
this is not a counter, is only for the skill you set -> means when his condition will be true more times he will use it max. 2 times thats all.
when you dont set any number in there the bot will use it unlimited times when all other conditions are ture -> when you dont set any conditions means always everything = ture.
first you to understand that the bot skillprofil works with condtions only.
means after each skill he will go your list from top and check which condition is true and use the skill.
when you tell the bot use CS2 only without condition he will see it everytime as true and repeat all the way long he will not even to any other skill but when you tell only use on step or any other condition that avaid a repeating over and over again.
means when you set ToT without any condition on Top of your list he will just use it everytime you will get a proc no matter what.
so the ammount for ToT are only usefull when you use it in Maker's Mark like you set on the Top as first skill:
ToT use<3 ; is buff = Flawless Synthesis ; miss buff = Steady Hand
// means the bot will use ToT max. 2 times in FF buff otherwise you will run the risk to get not enough progress
ToT step>20 ; miss buff = Steady Hand+Waste Not,Ingenuity
//means the bot will use ToT every time when you dont have the buffs up after step 20 depends on how much MM stacks you have
and you can put this up right on top of your list because its bounded with condition it wont hit the skills until conditions are ture.
regards super4uwak
ah ok. gotcha. thanks for the info.