My FPS is unrestricted, so it hovers between 90-120. And too bad about the start in the middle of the quests :C the lvl 46 ones suck to start all the way from the beginning for.
Onipuntaro, as soon as we can, we'll remove this shitty loop. It's just about days.
For now, try to reload lua modules before starting 3 new quests.
Did you see the huge bear front of the Amalj'aa npc? It's me

We made a lot of changes on the target functions. That's why since this morning sometimes it just can't target some mobs. It's almost fixed, we need one more hour. So for today, if you want something stable, wait for the update. If not you'll need to assist it targetting some mobs.
Concerning the big update this evening:
- No settings anymore. You can play at level you want, class/job you want, No need aoe off, follow target, face target etc etc...
- New navigation system
- New target/kill functions
- Bottoxlib for new api's
- New UI
Well, Dailies Vol.1, finally fully working and fully afkable in a few hours.
Also almost ready for Dailies Vol.2 next week.

hey why didnt u started with the HW ones? XD i would have loved to get those. when 4.0 comes out i think you should focus on getting 4.0 fist it would be really nice
@Ryuuji we want all of them.
In 2/3 weeks you'll have the Vanu Vanu dailies.
It doesn't auto start combat for me, so no Afk. But still useful! Can't wait for the second part.
@sylverrfoxx. Known problem, fixed in the next update. ;)
(05-12-2017, 10:02 PM)sylverrfoxx Wrote: [ -> ]It doesn't auto start combat for me, so no Afk. But still useful! Can't wait for the second part.
Awesome, looking forward to it!