There is a lack of tutorials for the crafting dailies & Bottox Manager.
Ill do this asap. During that time, you need to know that the settings for Bottox addons (idle location, mount, gear sets etc) are located inside the Bottox Manager addon. You need to enter any gear set that is used by the dailies. You need to do this only one time since the settings are saved.
Then everything will be automatically setup for each addon.
Awesome! I wouldn't speed to much time on it, maybe just add in the preqs what that number means (gearset) and it would be self-explanatory.
Working today on the dailies wiki/forum, new icons, tutos!
On next Bottox Manager update, when your mouse will stand on a Dailies app it will now show also the name of the tribe like: "Dailies Vol.3 (Kobold) - Installed"
A word concerning new Namazu tribe: Available day one!
If you have a crafting job level 60, you'll be able to start the journey tomorrow, if Minion is up of course.

6 hours after minion is up, new Namazu Dailies (Vol.11) are out!
You need to grab the last Bottox mesh pack (link available on first page) to run the quests properly.
Right now the Crafting note addon control seems broken, so when the bot chooses the craft to do, you need to manually press start, before minion devs fix this addon control. Everything else is running fine, including jap/ger/fra/eng support. CN/KR will be added in a few.
If you bought the Stormblood Pack, you already own the Namazu dailies. Standalone volume will be available tomorrow on store.

Dailies Vol.11 Namazu is out!

When attempting to do Namazu dailies as a level 70 botanist, after accepting the quest it will fly to the correct NPC but then try to get materials from the crafting box, open the crafting menu and then not do anything.
Current quest: Simpler Gifts - Gather steppe vines in western Ceol Aen 0/3
Yeah I've noticed as a weaver, that it doesnt get the components from the crates before crafting....
Seems to do that on every job. It's skipping the step.
Need to find why today!
One issue I'm having with the Namazu quests is that when mounted, it occasionally insists on running along the ground instead of flying, which is dangerous as a crafter class with 2000 hp in an area with level 65-69 mobs which can 2 shot the character. I had several deaths like that today. Manually trying to make it go up didn't work because it insisted on ground running and would just try to go back down, so I had to stop it a few times to just fly there because it kept running through aggressive mobs.
warmdusk, do you remember the name of the quest? I allways try to use manual path with cub-to-cub connections. Maybe you didnt update the Bottox mesh and continued to run the quests after they are added everyday. You should NEVER get aggro using Ixal/Mog/Namazu dailies.
Right now update your Bottox mesh and tell if it's still doing this: