(08-29-2017, 12:56 PM)InDaSkyz Wrote: [ -> ]did you install bottox Manager before?
Man you are awesome. No I didn't I overlooked that step thank's a ton!

System Navigation updated : Bottox meshs work with Navigator !
New button "Settings" added : You can turn off Force load bottox mesh ( to use MMO mesh in navigator), etc ..
Monster Location Yanxia added
Monster Location The Ruby Sea added
Monster Location Peaks added
The aethercurrents function doesn't work without teleport hack, if you unclick the teleport mode the aethercurrent list disappears, in discord I was told in the general channel that no teleport needed and if i click the aethercurrent the one i want it'll go legit to it..i click then it teleports
hope i don't get a ban please tell me how to fix this
actually meshs dont support aethercurrents 4.0, its works only with tp. if you dont use this function, just take the position inside the list and check where is it on your map.
trying to use Navigator but all it will do is call mount and sit have most up to date mesh 3/2/18 any suggestions?
Go on your Sellout addon, and stop the reduce/desynth parts.
(03-17-2018, 07:05 PM)InDaSkyz Wrote: [ -> ]Go on your Sellout addon, and stop the reduce/desynth part
i dont have sellout addon could it be gardening or ventures?
hmmmm no idea. I'm not the creator of Navigator but generally when people say this, that's because of Sellout/Navigator interacting in a badly way.
Is your console saying something? Did you grab Bottox Manager on store?
Come on Bottox Discord and ask @Balgarion to help you
(03-17-2018, 05:12 PM)Caisersoze Wrote: [ -> ]trying to use Navigator but all it will do is call mount and sit have most up to date mesh 3/2/18 any suggestions?
Can you post the fix here? I am having the same problem.