(03-25-2018, 04:59 AM)killerjim Wrote: [ -> ] (03-17-2018, 05:12 PM)Caisersoze Wrote: [ -> ]trying to use Navigator but all it will do is call mount and sit have most up to date mesh 3/2/18 any suggestions?
Can you post the fix here? I am having the same problem.
just purchased on 3/19/18, wont move to position.... any news on a fix?
in central shroud - console says: D = "[Navigation] - END_NOT_ON_MESH - From [ 18.54 / -1.13 / 37.49] - To - [21.1 / 22 / 0]"
Update your bottox manager, Navigator with the minion App
download update mesh custom on the link.
If you have always a problem, Go on discord and contact me . dont forget to take screenshots, or share me your screen with teamviewer.
Quick question, is this pack only for going from place to place when needed, or will other packs (esp the gathering pack) use it to chase nodes or gather from certain areas when needed. Also will the gardening pack use it to find npc' etc?
Navigator don't doing this. Navigator is used for goin from place to place.
This addon is just huge data ( 2800+)
He don't substitude Navigation.
He use navigation for move between two positions
Where i found the StormBlood Maps? Thank you...
I need to get the Aether currents
hi sidneybr, You need to open navigator when you are on stormblood Maps and your can find Aether currents inside the navigator.
Good news!
Bottox Mesh is now live and can be updated through Minionapp. No need to manually update anymore.
Wiki/forum threads updated!
Note that you can delete all Bottox mesh inside navigation folder since all Bottox files downloaded through Minionapp will stand in a subfolder.

It works well.
However, the naming of Korean and English is different and difficult to use.
Is it possible to translate into Korean?
and sometimes I stuck on the way to Whitebrim Front
Since move to position is in the tools menu, can we get a click to move option? The click to move shortcut in mmominion doesn't currently use mount or sprint (that i know of).