Thank you for these!
Quick question, is it possible to select which items to farm?
Seems to get stuck in a tree @ The Fringes ( 10.4 , 15.1 ) Z: 1.2 after the update using the 60-70 profile.
Edit: This also happens at The Fringes ( 10.4 , 15.0 ) Z: 1.0
Yeah unsure if its just me. It flies around like crazy and keeps doing little hops.
thats the fault of the mesh. i reported it in the channel for mesh stucks. hopefully it gets fixed soon. for now just get your bot into the forest correctly and it will finish gathering on its own
@nixon012 you can select the profile you use to use and it will farm those items, if you want a combination you will need to edit the lua files to do so.
For Bloodhemp, when leaving the town it just constantly runs into the corner jumping like a spastic.
If i exit the town, then start it, it successfully runs down, does first node location, then proceeds to jump in the lake... like a spastic.
thats a issue with the bot trying to fly. i think it was patched. unsure but the profile doesnt cause that
InDaSky will fix it in the next two days.
Is there a profile for Mining released? In terms of 60->70
the navmeshes dont seem to work, bot just stands still saying 'move to pos" and offmesh error
I started the botany leveling 60-70 but i agro just about everything as soon as I leave castrum oriens gate. I ll mount up and run to the beech trees and agro 3 mobs along the way, and then run right back towards them and die :/. Am I missing something?