(08-06-2017, 05:36 AM)killboi Wrote: [ -> ]Ok, i have tried just about every single .lua and I cant seem to find it, so I might as well ask.....
Is there any yellow scrip Molybdenum ores and Zelkova Logs with a collectivity rating for 500 plus ?
The only ones I see is the multi lua.
Thank you in advance.
Why would you want a script for those? You only need one to purchase a main hand tool. If you farm them, they don't pay out as much scrips. Also, I'm pretty sure I remember the quality needing to be 450.
Anyway, if you really wanted to farm them, you could change the mapid on one of the items, change the name, and change the coordinates to the nodes for them and either set it to the correct profile to collect over 500 quality.
(08-06-2017, 09:23 AM)snektime Wrote: [ -> ]Is there any smart way to get this script to work with Sellout for the Aether Reduction especially when its sitting waiting for GP to regen?
I haven't farmed reduction stuff for a bit, but last I did, it should reduce everything when you are full and done gathering. So if you set it to auto start, you will gather until full. Then stop and reduce everything that you set in the sellout. Then start gathering again.
any profiles for Sugar Beet ? can't find it ^^;
Chromite ore time is messed up for Yellow_Scrip CL. It should be 22 to 0, but its 2 to 0, so it doesnt function properly at the 10p collection, and sends you out to the peaks after the plums I think. Easy to fix in your own file, but just FYI
(08-08-2017, 05:13 AM)bartyz01 Wrote: [ -> ]any profiles for Sugar Beet ? can't find it ^^;
If you want I can pm you a profile for them when I get home (probably in about 4 hours or so).
However, you can just make your own easily.
Just copy one of genetics botany profiles (preferably one in the fringes) and rename it whatever you want (sugar beets or whatever).
Edit the profile and change all over f the item names in it to "Sugar Beet". Make sure the first letters are capitalized.
Then go to where the beets are and create a new marker near each set or just hit new position easy time you're near a different set of nodes (should be 3 node locations).
Copy and paste the location details (x,y,z,h) from the marker ito the profile (over existing locations).
If you used a profile on f something in a different map, change the mapid to the is for the fringes.
Viola, you have a sugar beet profile.
You can also change any profile easily to any other item on the same node by just changing the names of the items within the profile.
if you can PM me one it would be really nice and thx in advance
i will look in how to change a existing profils with the detail you provided me, dosn't seem very hard to change but never rerally tryed, i'll look into it !
thx again =)
(08-09-2017, 07:16 AM)bartyz01 Wrote: [ -> ]if you can PM me one it would be really nice and thx in advance
i will look in how to change a existing profils with the detail you provided me, dosn't seem very hard to change but never rerally tryed, i'll look into it !
thx again =)
Hmmm, I guess I don't have the option to attach anything in a PM. Here's the beet profile.
Should go in gather folder (look something like this: C:\MINIONAPP\Bots\FFXIVMinion64\LuaMods\ffxivminion\GatherProfiles)
I also posted in the News thread, but is anyone else able to run any of the Yellow or Red Scripts jobs since yesterday late afternoon update?
I'm getting a "Unable to execute command while jumping" error at every node in every zone with both the Yellow and Red scripts...
Edit: Fixed with new Minion update!
With the Red Scrip profile (probably the same for yellow+red or mining only red), when the bot goes to Azim Steppe for the 4:00 Raw Azurite spawn, it will wait too far south. The node will spawn a little bit too far north of where the bot is waiting and it won't recognize it, meaning it will miss the node. If you turn it off and manually fly it forward then turn it back on, it'll mine it, but if you try to go north with the bot still on it will attempt to fly back to the waiting point and not let you get there.