Thanks, just having 1 person get use out of it makes it worth it.
Updated Botany 1-70 with a fix on one of the coordinates and changed the item.
Updated Botany 291 pack with a fix on emerald beans and magma beet
Updated main post with changes to the G_Multi_Gathering profile. Now uses bountiful yield and harvest II with the previous yield if it has enough GP. Main use will be on Unspoiled nodes.
Updated main post with a new profile in the zip with G_Multi_Gathering. It's called G_Multi_HQ_Gathering. It uses Unearth III and Leaf Turn III after the Kings Yield or Blessed Harvest II.
I recommend having at least 800 Gp when using these or 797 GP. My perception is 1596 without food. I get 3+ from bountiful on regular nodes and the high level unspoiled nodes.
I also receive a +44% quality rating to the gather with Unearth and Leaf Turn III with my default perception.
\^o^/ So in short you could have 3 gather per hit and then +3 extra for 6 on a hit. Instead of 15 items you would receive 24 per unspoiled. Or 3 gather with at least 59% quality rating if you have my stats.
(09-10-2018, 10:17 AM)geneticdoom Wrote: [ -> ]Updated main post with changes to the G_Multi_Gathering profile. Now uses bountiful yield and harvest II with the previous yield if it has enough GP. Main use will be on Unspoiled nodes.
Updated main post with a new profile in the zip with G_Multi_Gathering. It's called G_Multi_HQ_Gathering. It uses Unearth III and Leaf Turn III after the Kings Yield or Blessed Harvest II.
I recommend having at least 800 Gp when using these or 797 GP. My perception is 1596 without food. I get 3+ from bountiful on regular nodes and the high level unspoiled nodes.
I also receive a +44% quality rating to the gather with Unearth and Leaf Turn III with my default perception.
\^o^/ So in short you could have 3 gather per hit and then +3 extra for 6 on a hit. Instead of 15 items you would receive 24 per unspoiled. Or 3 gather with at least 59% quality rating if you have my stats.
this looks great. new to this. but where do you put the achievement profiles?
if you didnt figure it out yet its placed in the GatherProfiles folder in the bot
(09-13-2018, 12:03 PM)geneticdoom Wrote: [ -> ]if you didnt figure it out yet its placed in the GatherProfiles folder in the bot
yeah.. been playing trial and error. but its working great.
I noticed in the Yellow and Red Scrips profile it says to use ["skillprofile"] = "Gathering_Blue";
I do not have Gathering_Blue is that a problem?
Also I think you have a wrong time for Yellow Scrips.lua
The: ["item1"] = "Chromite Ore";
You have: (you actually have two items for this time)
["eorzeaminhour"] = 0;
["eorzeamaxhour"] = 2;
And I think it should be:
["eorzeaminhour"] = 22;
["eorzeamaxhour"] = 0;
Added Azim Spring Water, Gyr Abanian Ore, Evergleam Ore, Urunday Log, Yanxian Cotton Boll to the main post. It has its own link just for those items so be sure to use that link.
These were shown to me in a screen shot of the edited datamined information. So im not 100% sure on these items atm. If i have to edit them ill update this thread with another post.
that information was wrong, i added the right locations but at the time of this post the bot doesnt support gathering them :( but thats right
can't seem to download the new things, can you upload to somewhere else? Thanks!
i love you Geneticdoom
thx for profils miner and bot 1 - 70 very very big thxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx