(09-18-2018, 08:46 AM)geneticdoom Wrote: [ -> ]Added Azim Spring Water, Gyr Abanian Ore, Evergleam Ore, Urunday Log, Yanxian Cotton Boll to the main post. It has its own link just for those items so be sure to use that link.
These were shown to me in a screen shot of the edited datamined information. So im not 100% sure on these items atm. If i have to edit them ill update this thread with another post.
where are these located? I cannot find them.
Can you add Evergleam Ore please ?
Am I doing something wrong? I cannot get any skill to work with the Gaterhing HQ skill profile? Any help would sure be appreciated.
Molybdenum Ore is missing from Miner Yellow Scrip Profile - It is a Yellow Scrip Collectable, and the only one that can be farmed constantly, leading to a very quick and easy stack of 2,000 Scrips.
Would need 200 of them for 2000 yellow scrips hmm. I havent tested it out since SB launch so maybe with higher stats it gathers them more readily. Ill add it a bit later today

Any chance of adding the new collectibles for Dustglow Aethersand as well?
I'm truly grateful for the share of profile! Thank you! :D
Can you add Sparkstone collectable please? Sorry I am unsure if this is the thread I was meant to post in for this request!
I'm sorry if this is a very beginner question, I'm new ffxivminion and tried searching for an answer in this thread. I'm able to get everything to work correctly except for when I choose a specific item to gather, no matter which profile I select it always gathers whatever is in item slot 4. I'm trying to gather Alumen in Eastern Than and it will continually grab the Fire Shard, I've tried other single item profiles aswell and get the same result. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.