
Full Version: Zanci's Leveling recipes (60-70)
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Want to add that you need Piece by Piece for cross class as well. TC did not mention it but it is part of the skill profile for the 70 quest.
Thanks for Info, i changed it - no Piece by Piece no more in. :-)
Sadly, they no longer seem to work with 4.2 - no matter which item at which level with which job I'm trying to craft, it either just stops altogether or will fail the synthesis at like 20% because it just spammed Careful Synthesis or something.
I will check later. I need your current CP, Craftman and control data pls. Also a screenshot of the full screen with console open would be nice. And quick description what when happens - because there are many skill profiles i need to know which ones are broken.
I've leveled all my classes to 70 now, but I could never hit the CP cap without food. That has never been an issue before though, so I don't know what went wrong there.
The higher recipes level so much more cp do you need to craft. I always liked to get the crafts to an higher hq chance as before
No, I meant that I did have enough CP when using food, and it's always worked before (since my outfits stayed the same for leveling, just main hand/off-hand changed of course), but not for my last two jobs. Oh well, doesn't matter now. If I ever level another crafter I'll report back to you with console and log and everything. :)

BTW, just because a friend asked me this: Have you ever thought about making a leveling crafting rotation for lower stats, i.e. for people without pentamelded 60 gear?
Lvl 61 gear is comparable to pentamelded ironworks gear. If you are not pentamelded, your best bet is to spam leves to get to 61, or find a stackable that you can quick synth until 61.
(02-25-2018, 01:28 PM)drissma Wrote: [ -> ]BTW, just because a friend asked me this: Have you ever thought about making a leveling crafting rotation for lower stats, i.e. for people without pentamelded 60 gear?

No, i only shared my profiles that i used for leveling my crafters. I am still thinking about to create some profiles for level 1-50 but till now i didn't start that project.
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